Wednesday, November 18, 2015

November 18, 2015 Wednesday #Strrrrretcccch#follorJesus#goodfriends#SteamboatWillie!#Finns

Get Fit
Slow and simple stretches.  Sound good?  Try it.

Get Faith
Luke 14:25-35  The cost of being a disciple.  Jesus asks us to give up everything and follow him.  I am not qualified to question this or negate what He says.  It is better for you to read it and make your own decision.  I know times were different then and Jesus was walking the earth and teaching.  I feel like it is important to not treasure this life more than our promise of the life to come and we should share what we have with those who are in need.  Jesus gave His all for us.

On this day
1978 - I was working one of the shows at Cobo and a few of my friends came by to say hello.  They had run into my kid brother Mark and gave him money to go have a drink with his friends.  He had turned 21 this year, but never had money to party the way my friends and I did.  It was nice of Chuck and Robin to do that.  Small gifts.

1928 - The first successful sound-synchronized animated cartoon premiered in New York. It was Walt Disney's "Steamboat Willie," starring Mickey Mouse. 
Disney movies, music and books I remember seeing this in the 60's and thinking it was old tech.

What do your kids watch on TV? Or do they?  It has changed so much from when I was young and so was TV (young).  I remember how funny it was to watch Laugh In with their off color jokes, but didn't think it was funny when the off humor of The Simpsons came on when Nicole was young.  I guess it is all relative, huh?  

Book club  The wolf at the Door  by Jack Higgins
Still reading

Kaarina Finland culture

Identification. The terms "Finland" and "Finns" are external obscure derivations from early (first century C.E. ) Roman references to people known as Fenni (probably Lapps or Saami) who occupied lands north of the Baltic Sea. In their own language, Finns generally refer to themselves as Suomalaiset and their land or country as Suomi , which may derive from suo , the Finnish expression for a bog or swamp. Finns constitute the majority of the citizens of the Republic of Finland, which has a Swedish-speaking minority as well as Saami (Lapp) and Rom (Gypsy) minorities. While language was a highly divisive issue as late as the 1920s and 1930s, many Finnish speakers now recognize the value of Swedish for communicating with other Nordic countries. A distinction between urban, industrialized, coastal southwestern Finland and the rural interior northeast is an important historical and regional division in terms of culture and identity. However, socialist versus nonsocialist affiliations are more meaningful at the political level. Despite these distinctions, most citizens strongly believe that they share a common culture and heritage.

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Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

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