Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9, 2015 Monday #Pilates&Ginger#trust#HELP#nokids#plot!#separatearmies

Get Fit
I really enjoy Pilates.  There are a lot of studios out there teaching Pilates as there are yoga places.  The one I did this morning is for toning for weight loss.  It is a good way to start the week.  I have also started adding ginger to my yogurt and granola to ease up the aching muscles.

Get Faith
Mark 12:38-44, This was the sermon yesterday at church.  Our new Pastor used a large metal bowl to emphasize the sound of money being put into the offering.  The rich that could put a lot of coins in were obviously noisy as compared to the widow that put in the only 2 coins that she had.  The story is actually about trusting that God will take care of you always.  When I worked I was able to tithe much more than I can on my retiree income but God knows that I would give more (if he helped me win the lottery).  Just kidding, Who hasn't had that thought?  The Lord always provides for me.

On this day
1999  My cousins and friends were out to dinner at Joe's Crab.  My cousin Kay began to choke and we sat there - I had never tried before but jumped up and tried to do the heimlich  on her, well THAN everyone knew how to do it!  I was doing it wrong and a few people jumped in to help.  The lesson here is if you don't know how to do anything someone will surely come and do it the right way!

1857 - The "Atlantic Monthly" first appeared on newsstands and featured the first installment of "The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table" by Oliver Wendell Holmes. Thought about my sister Alice when I saw this - she hates to talk first thing in the morning.

Our church is once again, child poor.  Growing up in the years I did, the Christian church was full of children - they were pushed or dragged by their parents.  Now that probably sounds like a bad idea to you but, what starts out a fight becomes an acceptance, then habit and finally a good family memory.  I was the "if you don't have an hour for God on Sunday why should he watch over you ALL week?"  I also withheld play, friends and activities on Sunday if they couldn't go to church.  Bad mom?

Book Club  Wolf at the Door by Jack Higgins
The plot thickens

Kaarina Finland
Alphabetically Cities Map of Kaarina & Population of Kaarina Cities

The Finnish Civil War

Finland Table of ContentsThe Revolution that was underway in Russia by March 8, 1917, spread to Helsinki on March 16, when the Russian fleet in Helsinki mutinied. The Provisional Government promulgated the so- called March Manifesto, which cancelled all previous unconstitutional legislation of the tsarist government regarding Finland. The Finns overwhelmingly favored independence, but the Provisional Government granted them neither independence nor any real political power, except in the realm of administration. As during the Revolution of 1905, most actual power in Finland was wielded by the local strike committees, of which there were usually two: one, middle-class; the other, working-class. Also as before, each of the two factions in Finnish society had its own private army: the middle-class, the Civil Guard; and the workers, the Red Guard. The disintegration of the normal organs of administration and order, especially the police, and their replacement by local strike committees and militias unsettled society and led to a growing sense of unease.  Interesting!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Christine!

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