Monday, November 23, 2015

November 23, 2015 Monday #tricky#washedcleaninChrist#handjive#rentalavailable#

Get Fit
Denise and I did some Kicken with Country.  Kick start the week with some aerobic dancing.  I think that dancing is a great way to trick yourself into exercising.

Get Faith
Romans 6:11   Christ died for our sin and so we too have died to sinful lives so that we can live with God.  11: "In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus".  Our baptism is the acknowledgement of our clean soul.  Thanks be to God!

On this day
1990   Even after reading this in my journal I don't recall the event.  I have obviously repressed it.  My husband Mark and I took a couple from the downriver King Marine boat store and a couple that came down from Cadillac, the Four Winns plant to the Wishing Well for dinner and then saw Jimmy Freeman after that.  I must have had some cocktails because Jimmy got me up to lead the crowd in the hand jive.  Like I said, I don't recall.  If you are from this area, you might know Jimmy Freeman. He was quite the showman, I think he still is around.

1835 - Henry Burden patented the horseshoe manufacturing machine.  Wonder if they still use it?

I have an empty bedroom.  I keep imagining different scenarios of who could move into that room.  I could easily do a Foster child, or rent to an intern at the local hospital - I'm sure God will send something my way, he always does.  Nicole is used to having another person in the house with us, and then she is never home with her job anyway.  hmmmm

Book club  
Any suggestions?

Kaarina Finland  sightseeing

TripAdvisor Reviewer Highlights

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On the way to the archipelago ring route
Unfortunately, in Finland you can not find very many preserved castles. This castle was built in the 14th century to serve as a stronghold for the Catholic bishops in Finland... read more
3 of 5 starsReviewed July 8, 2015
Oulu, Finland

Lets do this today!  

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday to Don T, and Emily!

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