Saturday, November 14, 2015

November 14, 2015 Saturday #break#Trust#friends#motherinlaws#Mesolithic!

Get Fit
Taking a break today, well doing a dinner at church and will be on my feet all day.  Had a bad leg yesterday, might have overdone the workout yesterday.  You know what's best for you, usually.

Get Faith
Ruth 1:1-19  women did matter in the Bible.  Naomi and her daughter in law, Ruth went on through life together after their husbands and sons died.  Ruth claimed Naomi and her people and God as her own.  Naomi felt that God had turned against her but the ongoing story proves otherwise.  Trust.

On this day
2014  Just last year.  The "old" gang from my elementary school days came over.  And I mean over, Jim and Cheryl lived in Fenton, Dave and Sandy lived in Brighton, Don is in Redford and Waynette is closer at Sterling Heights.  We had some snacks and drinks here and then went out to dinner.  My Mom loved seeing Jim and Sandy that sat and talked and fussed over her.  Glad we had that time, Jim passed on earlier this year - what a great guy, we will miss him.

1832 - The first streetcar went into operation in New York City, NY. The vehicle was horse-drawn and had room for 30 people. It makes sense but I never knew there were horse drawn buses.

After reading Ruth I'm reminded of my Mother in laws.  Anne Michie was such a great cook and beautiful woman.  Her house was immaculate, always.  We were very close.  At Christmas one year she told me the light from the Christmas tree made me look like an angel, and she thought that was right.  Tatjiana Schulz was Russian born, German raised and very European.  Even after Pete had married someone else she called me and found reasons for me to come and visit, and she loved Nicole like her own.  Pat McCarthy and I spent Nicole's childhood together and shared the deep bond of sharing the children.  We are still close and speak regularly.  Too bad I didn't get along with their sons as well.

Book Club The Wolf at the Door by Jack Higgins
Got some reading in last night, the plot thickens.

Kaarina Finland  more history


The last ice age in the area of the modern-day Finland ended c. 9000 BCE. Starting about that time, people migrated to the area of Finland from the Kunda and—possibly—Swiderian cultures, and they are believed to be ancestors of today's Finnish and Sami people in Finland.[citation needed]
The oldest confirmed evidence of the post-glacial human settlements in Finland are from the area of Ristola in Lahti and from Orimattila, from c. 8900 BCE. Finland has been continuously inhabited at least since the end of the last ice age, up to the present.[2]
The earliest post-glacial inhabitants of the present-day area of Finland were probably mainly seasonal hunter-gatherers. Their artifacts discovered are known to represent the Suomusjärvi and the Kunda cultures. Among finds is the net of Antrea, the oldest fishing net known ever to have been excavated (calibrated carbon dating: c. 8300 BCE).  Lots of history here.
Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Will and Diana!  

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