Thursday, November 5, 2015

November 5, 2015 Thursday #eatright#hello?#25years#family#Finland

Get Fit
Being fit is a lot more than exercise.  It is also about what we eat.  The AARP magazine talked about eating clean - only fresh foods, reducing salt and sugar.  We already knew that right?  For the last month I have adjusted my eating habits, reduced the amount I am eating and have seen the results of losing 7 lbs.  My biggest demon is sugar - I love cookies.  You need to pin point what you are doing wrong and adjust accordingly.  It isn't brain surgery, oh and get that walk in.

Get Faith
1 Samuel 3:1-10 - The Lord calls Samuel but Samuel does not recognize his voice.  Would you if God called your name?  In many places the Bible mentions that God is heard in the wind, fire, storms etc.  Maybe we aren't listening.  The Bible also tells us that He calls us by name because we are his.  We can also read what he says - in the Bible.  He wants you to know Him and come when he calls.

On this day
1990 -   A lot can happen in 25 years.  Mom drove up to St Helen and stayed at Andys because she was going to Gaylord the next day for her old neighbor John' s funeral.  So Mom was still driving, stayed at the cabin by herself.  She was capable and independent and in many ways she still is.  Don't miss an opportunity to do things for yourself while you can, 25 years is around the corner.

1990 - Rabbi Meir Kahane, founder of the Kach movement, was shot to death after a speech at a New York Hotel. His assassin, Egyptian El Sayyid, was later convicted of the murder and was sentenced to life in prison for his part in the World Trade Center bombing. Something else that has gotten worse in the last 25 years.

Family for most of us means responsibility.  If someone is sick or in trouble, we are there for them.  When it becomes a long form of illness or trouble - it wears on everyone and effects other people in the family's health as well.  There is no known cure beside constant care and compassion, but prayer certainly helps.

Book Club  Wolf at the Door by Jack Higgins
Good read!

Kaarina Finland  Some scenes from the area.


Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable !

Happy Birthday John

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