Monday, February 29, 2016

February 29, 2016 Monday #Leapday#walk#believe#leapday#Scotsontherun#protectthechildren!

Get Fit

Get Faith
Colossians 2:6-7  Have you received Christ Jesus the Lord?  You may know the story of his Christmas birth and His Easter Death, but do you know what he means to you?  He is your brother, sent to earth by and of God to experience this human life, show you what true, unconditional love is and than died on the cross to redeem you from sin.  But wait!  There's more!  He came back to life, returned to earth, his disciples and family, showed up to let them know he conquered death and you can too.  Just by believing in Him.  God is great!

On this day
1996 -  I was looking for a leap day, one that was memorable, but I found this and all it said was - worked, called Jan and Nicole home.  So I'm reading into it.  Well I missed very little time from work at this job so it isn't surprising I worked.  My sister in law Jan stilled lived up here and we spent time together, so no surprise there.  Nicole was in college at Albion, this might have been winter or spring break?  but it was always good when she was home and probably the reason I called Jan.  Do I live in the past?  probably, but it reminds me to call people - like Jan today.

1288 - Scotland established this day as one when a woman could propose marriage to a man. In the event that he refused the proposal he was required to pay a fine. I will bet there were a lot of men hiding in moors on this day.

I watched the oscars last night and the winner of movie of the year was Spotlight.  I haven't seen it but know the subject matter as much as most people do.  When you raise your children in the church and something like this happens, not just in the Catholic church the thought is - well I'm not sending my kids to a place that doesn't practice what it preaches.  The Christian faith has taken a lot of hits for their disagreements with each other, their division in the churches, their inability to join in unconditional love with each other and protecting themselves by not being transparent.  No one in my family or people that I know have had children abused in the church, but it happens, just as it does in day care, schools, sport clubs etc.  We need to stand together in holding all venues that children are in to keep them safe.  

Nepal to the Sea of Okhotsk
Pick up some souvenirs on your trip to the airport because we are leaving Nepal for a cruise this next month.  I hope you enjoy the trip! 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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