Wednesday, November 30, 2016

November 30, 2016 Wednesday #playtennis!#yourinheritance#busyholidaytimes#Zimbabwe!flight!

Get Fit
Worked out with Jillian.  I noticed today that the girls that are very young and in great physical condition were sweating and Jillian was short of  breathe, and here I am berating myself for not keeping up.  Do what you can folks!  But do something.  My hygienist shared that she plays tennis three times a week.  That's great exercise!

Get Faith
1 Peter 1;17-23  Peter talks here about our inheritance.   If you have been in receipt of an inheritance you are so very lucky here on this earth, for this time.  The inheritance your Father God in heaven has given you is an inheritance of time, with Him, for eternity.  It also makes your time here so much more precious knowing we are loved and saved from evil by Christ who gave his life for us.  Merry Christmas!

On this day
2011 - This time of year, I'm sure you have the same things going on.  I went Christmas shopping after work, ordered pizza for dinner and then went to church to decorate.  We all have normal responsibilities this time of year but if they are compounded by financial issues, funerals and extra events it can get pretty stressful.  I had to take a moment this morning to get my priorities straight (and a list) so I don't get sick, which is what usually happens.  Do yourself a favor.  Take time to organize and figure in time to relax for yourself.

 1700 - 8,000 Swedish troops under King Charles XII defeated an army of at least 50,000 Russians at the Battle of Narva. King Charles XII died on this day. Apparently a great win for Sweden but their King must have led them in battle and died.  Another good read I'm sure.

Travel day from Tacuarembo Uruguay to Victoria Falls Zimbabwe.
Today we leave Uruguay and fly ENE to Africa to the country of Zimbabwe to what looks like a beautiful place called Victoria Falls.  The price for one way is around 1,500.00 and the flight will take about 9 hours - so plan on spending the day in the air!  

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

November 29, 2016 Tuesday #byefelicia#KingDavid#samebutdifferent#Peace

Get Fit
Denise Austin and I have parted paths.  Her Super Stomach video is no longer anything I can do.  I am sorry Denise, but I am sure that even you, 40 years after this video was made, cannot "do it with Denise" anymore.  I was wondering if you have something "less intense" for an ab workout for us sixty somethings?  Call me Denise.

Get Faith
Psalm 119;9-16  "How can a young person stay on the path of purity?  By living according to your word."  This is David, God's chosen, talking to God.  If you know David, you know he had as much trouble with this as most young people.  But he also knew that God loved him and continuously forgave him his sins and from his bloodline came our Lord Jesus Christ.  Do not ever think that God has written you off.  He is always there with open ears to hear your prayers and open arms to welcome you in.  Honest.

On this day
2009 Nicole and I went to church and picked up Arby's for lunch.  This was a regular practice for Mom, and I for many years, and still is.  Nicole had to go to work at Moosejaw after that and I decorated the outside trees and put the inside tree up, which I will do today.  Mom and I had dinner together and Al, my neighbor lady from across the street called to say she could see the tree in the window.  A lot has changed about this, Mom is gone and Al has been moved to her daughters in New Baltimore and her house is sold to a family that I can see their tree in the window.  Some things change and some stay the same, that is life.

1864 - The Sand Creek Massacre occurred in Colorado when a militia led by Colonel John Chivington, killed at least 400 peaceful Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians who had surrendered and had been given permission to camp.  Please!  lets not let this happen again!

Tacuarembo Christmas
Navidad: the Christmas season is extremely significant in Uruguay and is still observed with a definite religious slant and less of the emphasis on commercialism that plagues other countries. Locals attend church for various services during the season as well as enjoying family get-togethers and traditional gift giving practices.  Sounds familiar!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!    Happy Birthday Bill B!!!

Monday, November 28, 2016

November 28, 2016 Monday #stayhealthy!#Jesusforsinners#lasttime#souveniers!

Get Fit
This time of year it is easy to overlook your health regimen.  We go to parties and eat too much of all the yummy, but wrong stuff. We sit and talk for hours with company or at parties.  We stress over decorating, shopping, baking and visiting.  We come into contact with many, many, people and then they tell you they have a cold or feel like they are coming down with something.  Hmmmm.  SO, eat the right foods when you are able, wash your hands - often, hug don't kiss, exercise,at the least, if you need to but keep it up and get plenty of rest.  This is from someone who almost always gets sick on holidays.  I need to take my own advice this year.  Good luck!

Get Faith
Luke 7:36-50 This is the story of the sinful woman who went to Jesus at the Pharisee's house and washed Jesus's feet with her tears and poured oil on his head.  These were events that were common in those days for health and pleasure reasons, but, not by a woman of her stature to someone of importance.  It is a lesson to us that we are all equal in God's sight, that Jesus did not differentiate between the "righteous" and the sinner.  She knew she was a sinner and in her faith SHE was healed. Jesus is always available to you to share your love with him and be forgiven.

On this day
2008  I packed up and went up to Marine City after work to spend the weekend with my old buddy Fitz.  When I got there I found out that in the past two weeks I had been gone he had gone into a coma from liver disease and was under hospice care.  His daughter and her husband, son and the grandchildren were all there.  They wanted me to stay the weekend with him because they knew it would be the last one.  Turned out it was, he died on Sunday a 1/2 hour after I left.  Spend time with those you love, he still knew I was there.

1993 - The play "Mixed Emotions" closed after 48 performances. I have mixed emotions about this.

Tacuarembó Uruguay 
Let's look at some souvenirs!  
go here and see some really great artwork and jewelry!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Liz!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

November 27, 2016 Sunday #Growinfaith#familylost#degreeneeded#shopping!

Get Faith
Psalm  92  I saw the products of this psalm in churches today. vs 13  "planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God."  It was baby Elizabeth planted firmly in faith thru baptism at our church today.  At Kristin's church while Kristin proclaimed her faith at her church vs 12 "The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon." As she commits to be a Pastor how many seeds will she sow in new shoots.  vs 14 "They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green."  As I spoke to to old friends after church about changes and hopes that we have for our church to grow again.  Keep the faith. vs 15 "proclaiming "The Lord is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him."  As Kristin said "be kind."

On this day
2007  My old ex boyfriend Pete came over to drop off some video's he was converting to CD's for me.  They were family video's of, well the family.  We had spent a decade trying to be a couple and finally gave it up.  Kind of.  I had spent so much time with him and what little family he had we had become close and I suppose like family.  We could never say goodbye.

1779 - The College of Pennsylvania became the University of Pennsylvania. It was the first legally recognized university in America.  Now I need to look up the difference between college and university.  Not much help.  A university is a collection of colleges but different yada yada yada.  You need a degree but not from a community college to figure it out.

Tacuarembó Uruguay

Habrá shopping y nueva terminal en Tacuarembó

Con una inversión estimada entre US$ 15 y US$ 20 millones, se construirá una nueva terminal de ómnibus y un centro comercial en la ciudad de Tacuarembó.

El intendente de Tacuarembó, Wilson Ezquerra, anunció que el nuevo local estará ubicado en la explanta de Tiosac y en el actual predio de fabricación de hormigón de la comuna, la cual será realojada en una zona suburbana a costo de los inversores.

La idea propuesta es la construcción de un edificio de 15.500 metros cuadrados sobre una superficie de 20.000 metros cuadrados. "El edificio comercial tendrá 13.500 metros y la terminal será de 1.500 metros cuadrados", informó Ezquerra.  Want to start some Christmas shopping here?  Sorry no comprende.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Saturday, November 26, 2016

November 26, 2016 Saturday #yoga#Believe#family/friends#caged#familyhotel!

Get Fit  Here is a link to a yoga site.  I think starting at home is the best because you can get a little accustomed to the basics before you join a group.  I was very comfortable going to a group yoga after doing it at home for 20 years.

Get Faith
1 Peter 3;10-12  "Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech.  They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it.  For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil."  Good advice from the apostle Peter.  I have, however, known of people that do evil and still pray for loved ones and God hears - because of God's grace.  Pray often.  And don't forget that whatever evil you have done has been forgiven in his son Jesus Christ if you believe you can still be saved. (If you are praying I assume you believe)

On this day
2003  This was one of the years when Mom, Nicole and I drove up to Roscommon to have Thanksgiving with Andy and Alice at their friends, Shirley and Doug's house.  I didn't mention the weather so it must have been ok.  It can be anything this time of year in Michigan.  We really enjoyed those dinners with them and a house full of people. On this day Nicole had gone to Wayne State to attend a class with her friend Lawrence but got home in time,  I left work at noon, picked up Mom and Nicole and headed north.  This year Andy and Alice came down and had dinner here at my house because yesterday they spent the day at Lindsey and Scott's with their new grandson Hudson.  It was worth the drive.  Embrace every year and every memory.

1716 - The first lion to be exhibited in America went on display in Boston, MAWow look how long ago this started!  Now we are trying to keep those animals from being incarcerated.

Tacuarembo Uruguay

Hotel Carlos Gardel

"Good Hotel to spend some..."
This looks like a nice place.  Hope this is where we stayed.  Check out the others.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Jessica!  

Friday, November 25, 2016

November 25, 2016 Friday #walkthemall#toomuchstuff#publicdept#BullsandLagoon!

Get Fit
Maybe go to the mall and take a couple laps today if the crowd allows.

Get Faith
Ecclesiastes 5:10-20  Riches Are Meaningless.  vs 10"Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income.  This too is meaningless."  An appropriate message as we go to the stores or online to buy more random stuff for one another.  There is joy in showering one another with gifts and the Bible tells us about fathers giving their children good gifts.  The problem is when we have so much and don't appreciate it while others have nothing.  If you are never happy with what you have and are always shopping for more, you might want to consider why.

On this day
2002  This memory is for my Grace Circle friends.  On this day we wrapped presents and filled 20 stockings for shut ins at our monthly meeting.  The gifts were probably for the family we adopted every year.  Our meeting is next Monday, I will see what we can do for the upcoming season.  The stockings would be nice again.

  1850 - Texas relinquished one-third of its territory in exchange for $10 million from the U.S. to pay its public debts and settle border disputes. Could this happen again?  to build the wall?  lol not for 1 million.

Tacuarembó Uruguay

See complete outing
Situated on the shores of the Negro River, the City of Paso de los Toros is open up for travelers. Its dam, its organized campsites, its nature and its very beautiful church are worth a visit.
The Launderers’  Lagoon
See complete outing
Very close to the center of town, visitors may enjoy this beautiful spot and be in full contact with nature. An ideal spot for those who are searching to get away from the routine of the city.

Here are some things to see in our last week at this location!  Check it out!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Thursday, November 24, 2016

November 24, 2016 Thursday Thanksgiving #sharing#thankful#memories#creation#greatfood!enjoy

Get Fat
Sharing in the great feast we call Thanksgiving and not worrying about the diet.  Enjoy your family and friends and eat well.  "Blessed be God who is our bread - may all the world be clothed and fed." amen.

Get Faith
Colossians 3:12 "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience." vs 17 "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."  We are blessed and should be thankful.

On this day
2001  Nicole, Mom and I were up north for Thanksgiving at Andy and Alice's.  It was the Friday after and we hit the outlets in West Branch to shop.  Mom was all in on those days, keeping up with us and enjoying her girls, even though her son Andy was her favorite.  I'll bet she bought him a flannel shirt that year. (always)  Make yourself some family memories!

1859 - Charles Darwin, a British naturalist, published "On the Origin of Species." It was the paper in which he explained his theory of evolution through the process of natural selection. I don't denounce this.  I still feel God's hand all over the creation and Chuck's brain for figuring it out.  

Tacuarembó Uruguay


Main article: Uruguayan cuisine
The local hot drink mate being consumed in transit
Beef is fundamental to Uruguayan cuisine, and the country is one of the world's top consumers of red meat per capita. Asado, a kind of barbecued beef, is the national dish in Uruguay, and other popular foods include beef platters, chivito (steak sandwiches), pasta, barbecued kidneys, and sausages.
Locally produced soft drinks, beer, and wine are commonly served, as is clericó, a mixture of fruit juice and wine. Uruguay and Argentina share a national drink called mateGrappamiel, made with alcohol and honey, is served in the cold mornings of autumn and winter to warm up the body. Often locals can be seen carrying leather cases containing a thermos of hot water, the traditional hollowed gourd called a mate or guampa, a metal straw called a bombilla, and the dried yerba mate leaves. Sweet treats, including crème caramel with dulce de leche and alfajores (shortbread cookies), are favorites for desserts or afternoon snacks.
Other Uruguayan dishes include morcilla dulce (a type of blood sausage cooked with ground orange fruit, orange peel, and walnuts), chorizomilanesa (a breaded veal cutlet similar to the Austrian Wiener Schnitzel), snacks such as olímpicos (club sandwiches), húngaras (spicy sausage in a hot dog roll), "tortas fritas" (similar to elephant ears, and traditionally eaten when it rains), "martin fierro" (a bread-less sandwich of cheese and quince paste), postre chaja (a cake made mostly from meringue and peaches in syrup), "pascualina" (kale and egg pie), "pastafrola" (a quince pie) and masas surtidas (bite-sized pastries), many of which are of Spanish and Italian origin, like the "massini".
I think I would like it here!  Wide variety of really good food and drink!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

November 23, 2016 Wednesday #diettoday#Impossible#Christmascards#conflict#clowns#Gauchos!

Get Fit
I prefer to diet and exercise before the holidays and then after.  In the mean time enjoy!  I did work out my legs this morning with some dancers warm ups, because, I will be on them all day tomorrow.

Get Faith
Philippians 2:1-11  Imitating Christ''s Humility.  Impossible to do but we can try.  Christ humbled himself to all - his friends and their needs, us and our needs before His needs.  Can we live like this?  Impossible.  But we can try.  I know people that are not practicing Christians, that care for and concern themselves with the needs of others more than people I know at church do.  It is humbling.  In caring for others we don't think so much about our own woes and are lifted up by the act of loving another and helping them.  But, we don't do it for our own benefit or to impress someone else, that would negate the act.  Impossible, but we try.  Christ our role model.

On this day
1991  Thanksgiving was late this year, the 28th but Nicole (6) and I started writing Christmas cards.  I guess we were getting ahead of the game but I have a hard time remembering Nicole writing cards at six.  Now a days, I think hard about who I send cards to.  Twenty years ago I sent over one hundred cards out and could easily do that this year - except, it is almost 1/2 a dollar to send one card. Only a select few get cards now,  The rest get a facebook greeting.

1991 - Yugoslavia's rival leaders agreed to a new cease-fire, the 14th of the Balkan civil war. The conflict is this part of the world is constant.  Look at Syria now.  Why?  I had a friend who was passionate about being from Yugoslavia, now, you can't find it on a map.

Parenting - Nicole and I prefer to sit at home in front of the TV and watch the parade, but one year we did go to downtown Detroit with Teresa & Joe Whitenight and their kids to experience it.  We had great seats till the Distinguished Clowns parked their big truck right in front of us.  Tsk.  I like my couch, so does Nicole.  And we are not to fond of clowns, there is a reason they are called that.  Reprint from 2013  

Tacuarembo celebrations
La Fiesta Patria Gaucha
This celebration takes place in Tacuarembo, which is in northern Uruguay. Celebrated during the second week of March, this festival is attended by Gauchos, Uruguay's cowboys, in addition to people from all areas of the country. You'll find plenty of fun competitions, traditional food cooked barbeque style, folklore music, dancing, poetry performances, and parades. The event is quite colorful and festive, with attendees dressed in colorful traditional attire. This celebration is known for being the largest South American festival. Among the people of Uruguay, this is a very popular celebration that people wait for and look forward to all year long.  Keep this in mind for your March travels!  Yum  bar b que!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Don and Emily!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

November 22, 2016 Tuesday #energy#heavenisourhome#company#Thanks#goodneighbor

Get Fit
Energy up!  Did some aerobics this morning to get the heart rate up and burn some fat.  If you want that boost of energy for the day - get up and move!  My doctor told me yesterday that I am in great shape and he wishes he was as regular in his exercising as I am.  I asked why I still ache and move slowly when I first get up, I thought that after 20 years of exercising I should have missed that aging process.  He gave me a shot to see if it helped and it did - looks like I might have to take a second prescription med.  Ask your doctor, don't just assume it is an aging problem.  I will let you know what it is.

Get Faith
Hebrews 11:8-16 This is recounting the story of Abraham who God told to pack up and move to a new country and promised him offspring (and he as good as dead) like stars in the heavens.  Abraham believed God because he had faith that God would fulfill the promise he made to provide a home for all of  his children.  Never think that you are too old to answer God's call, to follow His word and do His work here in this place.  Heaven is our home.

On this day
1990 - I had a house full of company for this Thanksgiving day.  There were 10 of us for dinner - Ma, Dad, Jan, Mark and I, Nicole, Marty, Red, Andy and Alice.  We had a lot of company after as well, the Logans, Debbie and Jim and Red's girlfriend Debbie from Saginaw and neighbors.  My house is very small but we managed to always have a crowd and a good time.  This is the home God put me in with my daughter to be happy and surrounded with love.

1990 - U.S. President George H.W. Bush, his wife, Barbara, and other congressional leaders shared Thanksgiving dinner with U.S.troops in Saudi Arabia. This is the true meaning of Thanksgiving, to share and be thankful for what we have and to who we owe thanks for the privilege, our soldiers but God first.

Tacuarembo Uruguay Military
    Uruguay had a long history of military cooperation with neighboring countries. It joined with twenty other Latin American nations and the United States in 1945 to sign the Act of Chapultepec, in which each agreed to consult on any aggression against a cosignatory. Uruguay was also a signatory to the 1947 Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (Rio Treaty), in which the United States and Latin American and Caribbean countries committed themselves to working toward the peaceful settlement of disputes and collective self-defense in the Americas. Uruguay also was a signatory to the 1967 Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (Tlatelolco Treaty) and the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Uruguay also accepted the Biological Weapons Convention, which prohibits the development, production, or stockpiling of such weapons.
    Data as of December 1990  Sounds like a good neighbor.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Dr Bill!

Monday, November 21, 2016

November 21, 2016 Monday #Pilates#BEKIND#shareandteach#safehaven!

Get Fit
There are a lot of Pilate places opening up.  I can't sing its praises enough.  I know it is doing what I need it to do in supporting my core and aiding in my breathing.  Find a place or a video to try - I think I have even seen it on TV.

Get Faith
Ephesians 4:25-32 This is a letter from St Paul to the Ephesians.  I wonder what the Ephesians were doing to be reminded not to steal from one another, but to lift each other up in support.  He told them not to lie but to speak truthfully to their neighbor and resolve their anger with one another. They were reminded to speak kindly to each other.  I can only imagine what feelings were going on and WOW, still going on today in our world.  Be a St Paul in leadership, don't lie, but speak constructively and care for your neighbor.

On this day
1989  I was at St Paul's church during this year.  As all churches, we had a food pantry and a small amount of money for the poor that came to the door.  On this day, Nicole was probably there for pre school and afterwards I got a box of food together to take to one of the members daughters who was in need.  I was happy to do it but the best thing was she was happy and appreciated getting it, and the very best thing was Nicole at 4 got to witness the act.  Start your children sharing and giving at an early age and they will continue through their lives.  Mine has.

1989 - The proceedings of Britain's House of Commons were televised live for the first time. I wonder if they regret this.

Tacuarembó Uruguay

Uruguay: A Latin American Safe Haven

Are you looking for a true safe haven in Latin America?
If so, you need to know about Uruguay—a politically, economically, and socially stable country with a mild climate free of earthquakes and hurricanes.
Besides mild weather, Uruguay has a warm social climate. You’ll find less economic disparity here than anyplace else in Latin America. Uruguayan culture is noted for tolerance and inclusiveness. And expats who are respectful of Uruguay’s culture and make an effort to learn some basic Spanish report feeling comfortable and accepted here.
Uruguay is also among the top countries in the region when it comes to infrastructure. Here, you’ll find the best overall road system, the most reliable electrical grid, and one of the fastest overall internet speeds in Latin America. You’ll also find quality medical care, safe drinking water, and good public transportation.  Sounds like a great place to be!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Sunday, November 20, 2016

November 20, 2016 Sunday #Godincharge#playdate#PokyLittlePuppy#culture!

Get Faith
Luke Chapter 2  The Christmas Story.  We went to Christ Lutheran in the Grand Rapids area.  Kristin teaches choir to the children there and Nicole played the accompaniment on guitar.  They sang Do Remember Me and Amazing Grace in a mix.  It was great and so was the Pastors sermon on the Christmas Story.  He tied it in with the current election that we just had and reminded us that despite who is in charge here; whether it is Caesar Augustus in Ancient Rome - calling all people to be counted and pay taxes to Rome or God sending our Savior to us in a more important role.  The current politics are the same - God is still in charge.  Do Remember Me Lord with your Amazing Grace.

On this day
1986 Julie and I had a play date with our two girls Laura and Nicole.  Laura was a little younger and Nicole was about 18 months.  The girls were too little to bond, but Julie I and had a good time.  Now our girls are all grown up.  Julie had a son later and both are married with kids of their own.  I can still remember this day in 1986 though, like it was yesterday.

1986 - The one billionth Little Golden Book was printed. The title was The Poky Little Puppy. Who doesn't remember this story?

Tacuarembó Uruguay

Culture and Traditions

Culture and Traditions

Culture and Traditions | Fuente: Culture and Traditions

Culture and Traditions

Uruguayan society is basically heir to a solid European cultural substrate which has been influenced by other cultural traditions.
Mate, a drink with indigenous origins; carnival with Hispanic roots, but with well-known influence from African folk rhythms and expressions; the tango, born from the fusion of black African musical traditions and European and Creole rhythms and instruments; and the gaucho bearing witness with their way of life to a singular amalgam of Hispanic and indigenous cultures are some examples which speak of the meeting between very different traditions and which, in a sense, explain the make up of current Uruguayan culture and, therefore, its society.  Much more to investigate here!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

November 19, 2016 Saturday #weights#awesome!#Clockrestaurant#inspolicy#Gauchofestival!

Get Fit
Here in Michigan the weather is decided to be fall after being summer yesterday.  SO, get in shape for those winter sports so you don't hurt yourself.  I did some weights this morning, mostly to warm up. brrrr.

Get Faith
Isaiah 40:21-31  We have a tendency to forget how great and powerful our God is.  He who created everything we know, all that is and ever was or will be.  You will never be as great as He is, but He has chosen you to be his. vs31 "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."  Our God is an awesome God - look to the heavens at night and see his presence.

On this day
1978 - I was working that home show downtown at Cobo.  My brother Mark would sometime go with me to keep me company and have someone to walk out to the parking lot at night with.  I spent a lot of time with him and glad I did now that I know how short his time was.  On this day when we left to go home we stopped at the Clock restaurant to eat.  Are the Clocks still around anywhere?  Haven't seen one in a while.

1850 - The first life insurance policy for a woman was issued. Carolyn Ingraham, 36 years old, bought the policy in Madison, NJThis has two thoughts for me - one is that women were finally found to have worth and husbands looking for a payoff.  I prefer to think the first.

Tacuarembo Culture  
Fiesta de la Patria Gaucha: a group of gauchos waiting with their horses under shade trees for their call into the arena.
In all likelihood, you have never heard of a place called Tacuarembó! It’s a rural town in the north-east of Uruguay. For most of the year Tacuarembó is a sleepy town, not much different from any other country town in Uruguay. But come early March there’s activity everywhere as the town is about to hold its annual Gaucho Festival.
In the rolling hills along the Cuchilla de Haedo, Tacuarembó is gaucho country. Not your ‘we pose for pesos’ types, but your real-deal ‘we tuck our baggy pants into our boots and slap on a beret just to go to the local store’ crew.
Quoted from Lonely Planet Online , who don’t mention the Gaucho Festival at all!
The Fiesta de la Patria Gaucha is famous throughout South America as the most important event to celebrate the Gaucho heritage & culture in Uruguay.* We visited this year (2016) and it was the 30th annual festival. It’s always held in early March and runs for 5 days. Around 6,000 to 8,000 visitors attend the fiesta every year, but the site is so large that it never feels overwhelmingly crowded.
For more practical information please see the end of this post.  We will have to come back in March to see this!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Marylou!  

Friday, November 18, 2016

November 18, 2016 Friday #change#friends#change#timechange#changecountries!

Get Fit
Here come those short cold winter days.  I am trying to get myself interested in swimming at the Y and Holy yoga at church but I'm stuck in my every morning at home something.  Any ideas?  TNT put a pool in my dining room?

Get Faith
Luke 22:39-46 This is where Jesus prays for God to take the cup from him, but realizes that isn't going to happen and of course, because He is Christ follows through and makes the extreme sacrifice in saving us from our sins.  He wanted his disciples to pray so that they would not fall into temptation.  In His sorrow for himself he cared for his friends.  Many people have given their lives for others, not just their family, not just their neighbors, not just their kin only, not just their countrymen - but others who have been oppressed.  The study writer closed with this. "Only the light of Christ's love can eliminate the darkness of hatred."  And with our help.

On this day
1977 - Pete and I went over to Pat and Pam's and we all went to play racquetball and then back to Pam's for pizza.  We spent a lot of time together, good friends.  Time changes many things, Pete is not with us anymore, he died of lung cancer a few years back.  I am still friends with Pam and see her at least once a month.  Pat is now with Sherry and I am friends with them.  We don't play any type of sport together -- but we still share pizza occasionally.  40 years later.

1883 - The U.S. and Canada adopted a system of standard time zones. AND who;s idea was it for daylight savings time?  And does it?  Remember the indian chief saying "white men are the only people that cut a piece off one end of the blanket and sew it to the other end and call it better."  Seriously!

Tacuarembo Uruguay
Uruguaycountry located on the southeastern coast of South America. The second smallest nation on the continent, Uruguay has long been overshadowed politically and economically by the adjacent republics of Brazil and Argentina, with both of which it shares many cultural and historical similarities. “On the map, surrounded by its large neighbors, Uruguay seems tiny,” writes contemporary Uruguayan historian and novelist Eduardo Galeano. “But not really. We have five times more land than Holland and five times fewer inhabitants. We have more cultivable land than Japan, and a population forty times smaller.”
     This combination of open space and low population density has afforded Uruguay many opportunities for economic development. An independent country since 1828, with strong ties to the United KingdomFrance, and Italy, Uruguay developed throughout much of the 20th century as one of Latin America’s more progressive societies, notable for its political stability, advanced social legislation, and a relatively large middle class. A period of repressive military rule (1973–85) has cast a long shadow over national life, and, like other countries in the region, Uruguay has been troubled by economic decline and factional struggles in the decades since civilian democratic rule was restored. Such adversities have caused many Uruguayans to emigrate to Europe and North America; as Galeano has remarked, “We export our young.”  Many countries do this, not so much the United States, we seem to be where everyone wants to come.  How much longer?  Things change.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Thursday, November 17, 2016

November 17, 2016 Thursday #abwork#sharethesecret#TradingPost#

Get Fit
Get an ab workout in today!  Make sure you know how though.  Go to Ab workouts and find one that works for you!

Get Faith
Matthew 6:1-6 vs3 "But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing," Giving is not a contest or a source for measuring our worth.  We are called to share what we can with those who need it.  I apologize if I have sounded like I am trying to outdo you in who has done the most as a Christian.  Then we both have the wrong idea.  Help others because you want to, not because it will raise your status. God knows.  But on the other hand how do we let others know of an opportunity to share if we don't tell them?

On this day
1973 Who remembers the Trading Post on Gratiot?  You could rent a space and sell lava lamps, or whatever you had like in a craft show or garage sale setting.  Well, actually, most of it was head shop type paraphernalia stuff.  My friend Pete had made some lighters, made of fancy glass and metal to set on the coffee table, and turquoise jewelry.  I still have a lot of the jewelry he made.  I believe he enjoyed the camaraderie of the place more than the money making.  He could BS with the best of them. After it closed that night we went to the Wishing Well - another bygone memory.

1558 - Elizabeth I ascended the English throne upon the death of Queen Mary Tudor. What number is the current Queen Elizabeth?

Tacuarembó Uruguay

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Interesting!  look into it!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  
Happy Birthday to Jeff and Jon!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

November 16, 2016 Wednesday #pirouettes#freedom#thedeerhunter#walkingtour!

Get Fit
Get up on your  toes, do some pirouettes, stretch out your arms and legs -  before you lose the ability to do so.  I am glad I don't have a full mirror to watch myself do the ballet exercises it is better to believe I look like the woman in the video.  Humor yourself - also a good exercise.

Get Faith
Hebrews 11:32-12:3  Our history is brutal.  Think of those from the Old Testament to modern day. This reading reminds us of all those who have given their lives for our beliefs and and our freedom. We are so fortunate.  From the Israelites who fought to worship OUR God to today's military fighting to keep others on foreign shores freedoms and their religious beliefs intact, that are not even ours. If one person on this earth is persecuted for their beliefs, we all are.  12:3 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith." " Love one another. "

On this day
1967 - My fiancee, Don, went deer hunting with his cousin.  They left in the middle of the night and were back the same day with deer.  My father was a deer hunter and he was gone for the better part of the two weeks of deer season.  He came home, picked us up and took us back up north for Thanksgiving in a little cabin one year.  Deer hunting was a rite of passage in our family.  You never, never planned anything important during that time or it would be women only.  So, I couldn't imagine how Don and his cousin made such short work of it.  ???

1776 - British troops captured Fort Washington during the American Revolution. I wonder how many lives were lost in this battle for our freedom, young men who would rather been hunting.

Tacuarembo Uruguay

In the Lands of Tacuara
See complete outing

Before visiting the traditional attractions in the city, we went on a sightseeing tour in order to appreciate its architecture, its parks, its museums and its squares, and feel the hospitality of its people.  Lets go on a walking tour today!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Cholo and Sheldon!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

November 15, 2016 Tuesday #workoutpartners#meaningless?#Lifebuilders#cowcrossing!

Get Fit!
Nicole and cousin Merri went to the gym this morning to workout.  This is their first time going together and I am hoping it will be a lasting habit.  Some people like to have that partner that expects you to be there, it is added incentive.  What about you!  Get a buddy!

Get Faith
Ecclesiastes 1:1-11  Everything is meaningless.  This is not a good reading if you have a problem with depression.  Lives do matter - all  lives, and our life should be filled with reminding everyone of that promise that comes from God himself.  You mattered enough for him to give you life on this planet that He created for you to enjoy and care for, he was confident that you could do that.  He gave you relationships - good and bad to share and learn from and create new life to go on after you have received the best gift from God, eternal life with him.  Trust in Him that it will be the best life yet.  He knows how to give good things and YOU matter to him.  Now that is meaningful.

On this day
2014  I went to Cross of Glory and helped with Lifebuilders kids day camp.  I went a few times and really enjoyed it.  They had a group of college kids come to run it and they were phenomenal.  Lifebuilders is a great organization, ran by Marilyn and husband Larry.  They run programs for children, teens, adults and seniors and are always looking for help.  They have renovated many homes in the Kelly/8 Mile to 7 Mile area and have brought life and hope to many people.  God Bless them and their work.

1889 - Brazil's monarchy was overthrown.  Life goes on.

Tacuarembó Uruguay

Tacuarembo Image results:
  There are a bunch of these pictures to see our location! Take a look!  Go to Tacuarembo Image results.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Megan 

Monday, November 14, 2016

November 14, 2016 Monday #aerobics!#acceptance#Fulex#NellieBly#barfood

Get Fit
Started out with some aerobics - set the pace for the week, or weak, whatever!

Get Faith
Romans 15:1-7  vs 7 "Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God."  Trying to get someone to think the same as you is fruitless and hurtful.  It never works.  I think what the Bible is telling us here is to work harder at accepting someone else for their  viewpoint.  Peace to all of us in these troubling times.

On this day
2013 - Nicole and I went to work at Fulex.  I only worked there 2 days a month but Nicole was full time and instrumental at running the place.  She was also guilty of hiring her "own" people, many of which are still there.  I enjoyed the computer entry stuff I was doing and loved spending the day with Nicole at work.  The business is still doing well, which is great because it is owned by Carmen, who is a really special guy and friend.  I love the different jobs I have had - all interesting in their own way.  Looking forward to the next one.

1889 - New York World reporter Nellie Bly (Elizabeth Cochrane) began an attempt to surpass the fictitious journey of Jules Verne's Phileas Fogg by traveling around the world in less than 80 days. Bly succeeded by finishing the journey the following January in 72 days, 6 hours and 11 minutes.  Women are so capable in excelling in anything they want to do - keep trying!

                   One of Tacuarembó's unexpected pleasures is this great little                   microbrewery, serving eight varieties of craft beer on tap,                           accompanied by pizza, picadas and other pub food.  Lets go                     here for lunch today!  
                  Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!! 
                 Happy birthday to Will and Diana!