Friday, November 11, 2016

November 10, 2016 Thursday #

Get Fit
Ahhhh AM yoga.  Have been working out with a little more intensity and am seeing results in how flexible I am.  Encouraging.  I can, once again, sit indian style.

Get Faith
Mark 1:16-22  Jesus called the first disciples.  This tells about Simon, Andrew, James and John, but God has not stopped calling disciples to spread the Gospel story of Jesus the Christ coming to this earth to live among us, teach us by example and innocently die for all of our sins, assuring us of life with him in eternity.  You can tell the story too, as a disciple of Christ who knows and believes.

On this day
2004 My neighbor Jean across the street was in the hospital.  Neighbor Al and I found her on the floor in her living room a few days before.  She didn't want to go to the hospital but we couldn't get her off the floor, she had been there for days.  I called an ambulance.  The only family she had lived in Ohio and never checked on her.  The nurse said she couldn't give us any information because we were not family but proceeded to explain her case to another nurse in the room, so we heard.  She had cancer and was near death.  I was glad we found her and that she held on long enough to get to the hospital to tell her we cared about her.  I put an angel magnet on her bed rail.

1871 - Henry M. Stanley, journalist and explorer, found David Livingstone. Livingston was a missing Scottish missionary in central Africa. Stanley delivered his famous greeting: "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?" Who hasn't heard this before?

Tacuarembó Uruguay

The Dir.Gral Social Development informs all students interested in applying for scholarships Accommodation in Montevideo Tacuarembo Home & Student, which are open enrollment and can perform in their offices located in street Gral. Artigas No. 258 or the municipalities and local boards where you can pick up the form [...]  Want to study abroad?  

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to 

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