Sunday, November 27, 2016

November 27, 2016 Sunday #Growinfaith#familylost#degreeneeded#shopping!

Get Faith
Psalm  92  I saw the products of this psalm in churches today. vs 13  "planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God."  It was baby Elizabeth planted firmly in faith thru baptism at our church today.  At Kristin's church while Kristin proclaimed her faith at her church vs 12 "The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon." As she commits to be a Pastor how many seeds will she sow in new shoots.  vs 14 "They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green."  As I spoke to to old friends after church about changes and hopes that we have for our church to grow again.  Keep the faith. vs 15 "proclaiming "The Lord is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him."  As Kristin said "be kind."

On this day
2007  My old ex boyfriend Pete came over to drop off some video's he was converting to CD's for me.  They were family video's of, well the family.  We had spent a decade trying to be a couple and finally gave it up.  Kind of.  I had spent so much time with him and what little family he had we had become close and I suppose like family.  We could never say goodbye.

1779 - The College of Pennsylvania became the University of Pennsylvania. It was the first legally recognized university in America.  Now I need to look up the difference between college and university.  Not much help.  A university is a collection of colleges but different yada yada yada.  You need a degree but not from a community college to figure it out.

Tacuarembó Uruguay

Habrá shopping y nueva terminal en Tacuarembó

Con una inversión estimada entre US$ 15 y US$ 20 millones, se construirá una nueva terminal de ómnibus y un centro comercial en la ciudad de Tacuarembó.

El intendente de Tacuarembó, Wilson Ezquerra, anunció que el nuevo local estará ubicado en la explanta de Tiosac y en el actual predio de fabricación de hormigón de la comuna, la cual será realojada en una zona suburbana a costo de los inversores.

La idea propuesta es la construcción de un edificio de 15.500 metros cuadrados sobre una superficie de 20.000 metros cuadrados. "El edificio comercial tendrá 13.500 metros y la terminal será de 1.500 metros cuadrados", informó Ezquerra.  Want to start some Christmas shopping here?  Sorry no comprende.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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