Friday, November 25, 2016

November 25, 2016 Friday #walkthemall#toomuchstuff#publicdept#BullsandLagoon!

Get Fit
Maybe go to the mall and take a couple laps today if the crowd allows.

Get Faith
Ecclesiastes 5:10-20  Riches Are Meaningless.  vs 10"Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income.  This too is meaningless."  An appropriate message as we go to the stores or online to buy more random stuff for one another.  There is joy in showering one another with gifts and the Bible tells us about fathers giving their children good gifts.  The problem is when we have so much and don't appreciate it while others have nothing.  If you are never happy with what you have and are always shopping for more, you might want to consider why.

On this day
2002  This memory is for my Grace Circle friends.  On this day we wrapped presents and filled 20 stockings for shut ins at our monthly meeting.  The gifts were probably for the family we adopted every year.  Our meeting is next Monday, I will see what we can do for the upcoming season.  The stockings would be nice again.

  1850 - Texas relinquished one-third of its territory in exchange for $10 million from the U.S. to pay its public debts and settle border disputes. Could this happen again?  to build the wall?  lol not for 1 million.

Tacuarembó Uruguay

See complete outing
Situated on the shores of the Negro River, the City of Paso de los Toros is open up for travelers. Its dam, its organized campsites, its nature and its very beautiful church are worth a visit.
The Launderers’  Lagoon
See complete outing
Very close to the center of town, visitors may enjoy this beautiful spot and be in full contact with nature. An ideal spot for those who are searching to get away from the routine of the city.

Here are some things to see in our last week at this location!  Check it out!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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