Thursday, November 24, 2016

November 24, 2016 Thursday Thanksgiving #sharing#thankful#memories#creation#greatfood!enjoy

Get Fat
Sharing in the great feast we call Thanksgiving and not worrying about the diet.  Enjoy your family and friends and eat well.  "Blessed be God who is our bread - may all the world be clothed and fed." amen.

Get Faith
Colossians 3:12 "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience." vs 17 "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."  We are blessed and should be thankful.

On this day
2001  Nicole, Mom and I were up north for Thanksgiving at Andy and Alice's.  It was the Friday after and we hit the outlets in West Branch to shop.  Mom was all in on those days, keeping up with us and enjoying her girls, even though her son Andy was her favorite.  I'll bet she bought him a flannel shirt that year. (always)  Make yourself some family memories!

1859 - Charles Darwin, a British naturalist, published "On the Origin of Species." It was the paper in which he explained his theory of evolution through the process of natural selection. I don't denounce this.  I still feel God's hand all over the creation and Chuck's brain for figuring it out.  

Tacuarembó Uruguay


Main article: Uruguayan cuisine
The local hot drink mate being consumed in transit
Beef is fundamental to Uruguayan cuisine, and the country is one of the world's top consumers of red meat per capita. Asado, a kind of barbecued beef, is the national dish in Uruguay, and other popular foods include beef platters, chivito (steak sandwiches), pasta, barbecued kidneys, and sausages.
Locally produced soft drinks, beer, and wine are commonly served, as is clericó, a mixture of fruit juice and wine. Uruguay and Argentina share a national drink called mateGrappamiel, made with alcohol and honey, is served in the cold mornings of autumn and winter to warm up the body. Often locals can be seen carrying leather cases containing a thermos of hot water, the traditional hollowed gourd called a mate or guampa, a metal straw called a bombilla, and the dried yerba mate leaves. Sweet treats, including crème caramel with dulce de leche and alfajores (shortbread cookies), are favorites for desserts or afternoon snacks.
Other Uruguayan dishes include morcilla dulce (a type of blood sausage cooked with ground orange fruit, orange peel, and walnuts), chorizomilanesa (a breaded veal cutlet similar to the Austrian Wiener Schnitzel), snacks such as olímpicos (club sandwiches), húngaras (spicy sausage in a hot dog roll), "tortas fritas" (similar to elephant ears, and traditionally eaten when it rains), "martin fierro" (a bread-less sandwich of cheese and quince paste), postre chaja (a cake made mostly from meringue and peaches in syrup), "pascualina" (kale and egg pie), "pastafrola" (a quince pie) and masas surtidas (bite-sized pastries), many of which are of Spanish and Italian origin, like the "massini".
I think I would like it here!  Wide variety of really good food and drink!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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