Sunday, November 20, 2016

November 20, 2016 Sunday #Godincharge#playdate#PokyLittlePuppy#culture!

Get Faith
Luke Chapter 2  The Christmas Story.  We went to Christ Lutheran in the Grand Rapids area.  Kristin teaches choir to the children there and Nicole played the accompaniment on guitar.  They sang Do Remember Me and Amazing Grace in a mix.  It was great and so was the Pastors sermon on the Christmas Story.  He tied it in with the current election that we just had and reminded us that despite who is in charge here; whether it is Caesar Augustus in Ancient Rome - calling all people to be counted and pay taxes to Rome or God sending our Savior to us in a more important role.  The current politics are the same - God is still in charge.  Do Remember Me Lord with your Amazing Grace.

On this day
1986 Julie and I had a play date with our two girls Laura and Nicole.  Laura was a little younger and Nicole was about 18 months.  The girls were too little to bond, but Julie I and had a good time.  Now our girls are all grown up.  Julie had a son later and both are married with kids of their own.  I can still remember this day in 1986 though, like it was yesterday.

1986 - The one billionth Little Golden Book was printed. The title was The Poky Little Puppy. Who doesn't remember this story?

Tacuarembó Uruguay

Culture and Traditions

Culture and Traditions

Culture and Traditions | Fuente: Culture and Traditions

Culture and Traditions

Uruguayan society is basically heir to a solid European cultural substrate which has been influenced by other cultural traditions.
Mate, a drink with indigenous origins; carnival with Hispanic roots, but with well-known influence from African folk rhythms and expressions; the tango, born from the fusion of black African musical traditions and European and Creole rhythms and instruments; and the gaucho bearing witness with their way of life to a singular amalgam of Hispanic and indigenous cultures are some examples which speak of the meeting between very different traditions and which, in a sense, explain the make up of current Uruguayan culture and, therefore, its society.  Much more to investigate here!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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