Wednesday, November 23, 2016

November 23, 2016 Wednesday #diettoday#Impossible#Christmascards#conflict#clowns#Gauchos!

Get Fit
I prefer to diet and exercise before the holidays and then after.  In the mean time enjoy!  I did work out my legs this morning with some dancers warm ups, because, I will be on them all day tomorrow.

Get Faith
Philippians 2:1-11  Imitating Christ''s Humility.  Impossible to do but we can try.  Christ humbled himself to all - his friends and their needs, us and our needs before His needs.  Can we live like this?  Impossible.  But we can try.  I know people that are not practicing Christians, that care for and concern themselves with the needs of others more than people I know at church do.  It is humbling.  In caring for others we don't think so much about our own woes and are lifted up by the act of loving another and helping them.  But, we don't do it for our own benefit or to impress someone else, that would negate the act.  Impossible, but we try.  Christ our role model.

On this day
1991  Thanksgiving was late this year, the 28th but Nicole (6) and I started writing Christmas cards.  I guess we were getting ahead of the game but I have a hard time remembering Nicole writing cards at six.  Now a days, I think hard about who I send cards to.  Twenty years ago I sent over one hundred cards out and could easily do that this year - except, it is almost 1/2 a dollar to send one card. Only a select few get cards now,  The rest get a facebook greeting.

1991 - Yugoslavia's rival leaders agreed to a new cease-fire, the 14th of the Balkan civil war. The conflict is this part of the world is constant.  Look at Syria now.  Why?  I had a friend who was passionate about being from Yugoslavia, now, you can't find it on a map.

Parenting - Nicole and I prefer to sit at home in front of the TV and watch the parade, but one year we did go to downtown Detroit with Teresa & Joe Whitenight and their kids to experience it.  We had great seats till the Distinguished Clowns parked their big truck right in front of us.  Tsk.  I like my couch, so does Nicole.  And we are not to fond of clowns, there is a reason they are called that.  Reprint from 2013  

Tacuarembo celebrations
La Fiesta Patria Gaucha
This celebration takes place in Tacuarembo, which is in northern Uruguay. Celebrated during the second week of March, this festival is attended by Gauchos, Uruguay's cowboys, in addition to people from all areas of the country. You'll find plenty of fun competitions, traditional food cooked barbeque style, folklore music, dancing, poetry performances, and parades. The event is quite colorful and festive, with attendees dressed in colorful traditional attire. This celebration is known for being the largest South American festival. Among the people of Uruguay, this is a very popular celebration that people wait for and look forward to all year long.  Keep this in mind for your March travels!  Yum  bar b que!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Don and Emily!

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