Saturday, November 19, 2016

November 19, 2016 Saturday #weights#awesome!#Clockrestaurant#inspolicy#Gauchofestival!

Get Fit
Here in Michigan the weather is decided to be fall after being summer yesterday.  SO, get in shape for those winter sports so you don't hurt yourself.  I did some weights this morning, mostly to warm up. brrrr.

Get Faith
Isaiah 40:21-31  We have a tendency to forget how great and powerful our God is.  He who created everything we know, all that is and ever was or will be.  You will never be as great as He is, but He has chosen you to be his. vs31 "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."  Our God is an awesome God - look to the heavens at night and see his presence.

On this day
1978 - I was working that home show downtown at Cobo.  My brother Mark would sometime go with me to keep me company and have someone to walk out to the parking lot at night with.  I spent a lot of time with him and glad I did now that I know how short his time was.  On this day when we left to go home we stopped at the Clock restaurant to eat.  Are the Clocks still around anywhere?  Haven't seen one in a while.

1850 - The first life insurance policy for a woman was issued. Carolyn Ingraham, 36 years old, bought the policy in Madison, NJThis has two thoughts for me - one is that women were finally found to have worth and husbands looking for a payoff.  I prefer to think the first.

Tacuarembo Culture  
Fiesta de la Patria Gaucha: a group of gauchos waiting with their horses under shade trees for their call into the arena.
In all likelihood, you have never heard of a place called Tacuarembó! It’s a rural town in the north-east of Uruguay. For most of the year Tacuarembó is a sleepy town, not much different from any other country town in Uruguay. But come early March there’s activity everywhere as the town is about to hold its annual Gaucho Festival.
In the rolling hills along the Cuchilla de Haedo, Tacuarembó is gaucho country. Not your ‘we pose for pesos’ types, but your real-deal ‘we tuck our baggy pants into our boots and slap on a beret just to go to the local store’ crew.
Quoted from Lonely Planet Online , who don’t mention the Gaucho Festival at all!
The Fiesta de la Patria Gaucha is famous throughout South America as the most important event to celebrate the Gaucho heritage & culture in Uruguay.* We visited this year (2016) and it was the 30th annual festival. It’s always held in early March and runs for 5 days. Around 6,000 to 8,000 visitors attend the fiesta every year, but the site is so large that it never feels overwhelmingly crowded.
For more practical information please see the end of this post.  We will have to come back in March to see this!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Marylou!  

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