Tuesday, November 29, 2016

November 29, 2016 Tuesday #byefelicia#KingDavid#samebutdifferent#Peace

Get Fit
Denise Austin and I have parted paths.  Her Super Stomach video is no longer anything I can do.  I am sorry Denise, but I am sure that even you, 40 years after this video was made, cannot "do it with Denise" anymore.  I was wondering if you have something "less intense" for an ab workout for us sixty somethings?  Call me Denise.

Get Faith
Psalm 119;9-16  "How can a young person stay on the path of purity?  By living according to your word."  This is David, God's chosen, talking to God.  If you know David, you know he had as much trouble with this as most young people.  But he also knew that God loved him and continuously forgave him his sins and from his bloodline came our Lord Jesus Christ.  Do not ever think that God has written you off.  He is always there with open ears to hear your prayers and open arms to welcome you in.  Honest.

On this day
2009 Nicole and I went to church and picked up Arby's for lunch.  This was a regular practice for Mom, and I for many years, and still is.  Nicole had to go to work at Moosejaw after that and I decorated the outside trees and put the inside tree up, which I will do today.  Mom and I had dinner together and Al, my neighbor lady from across the street called to say she could see the tree in the window.  A lot has changed about this, Mom is gone and Al has been moved to her daughters in New Baltimore and her house is sold to a family that I can see their tree in the window.  Some things change and some stay the same, that is life.

1864 - The Sand Creek Massacre occurred in Colorado when a militia led by Colonel John Chivington, killed at least 400 peaceful Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians who had surrendered and had been given permission to camp.  Please!  lets not let this happen again!

Tacuarembo Christmas
Navidad: the Christmas season is extremely significant in Uruguay and is still observed with a definite religious slant and less of the emphasis on commercialism that plagues other countries. Locals attend church for various services during the season as well as enjoying family get-togethers and traditional gift giving practices.  Sounds familiar!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!    Happy Birthday Bill B!!!

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