Tuesday, November 22, 2016

November 22, 2016 Tuesday #energy#heavenisourhome#company#Thanks#goodneighbor

Get Fit
Energy up!  Did some aerobics this morning to get the heart rate up and burn some fat.  If you want that boost of energy for the day - get up and move!  My doctor told me yesterday that I am in great shape and he wishes he was as regular in his exercising as I am.  I asked why I still ache and move slowly when I first get up, I thought that after 20 years of exercising I should have missed that aging process.  He gave me a shot to see if it helped and it did - looks like I might have to take a second prescription med.  Ask your doctor, don't just assume it is an aging problem.  I will let you know what it is.

Get Faith
Hebrews 11:8-16 This is recounting the story of Abraham who God told to pack up and move to a new country and promised him offspring (and he as good as dead) like stars in the heavens.  Abraham believed God because he had faith that God would fulfill the promise he made to provide a home for all of  his children.  Never think that you are too old to answer God's call, to follow His word and do His work here in this place.  Heaven is our home.

On this day
1990 - I had a house full of company for this Thanksgiving day.  There were 10 of us for dinner - Ma, Dad, Jan, Mark and I, Nicole, Marty, Red, Andy and Alice.  We had a lot of company after as well, the Logans, Debbie and Jim and Red's girlfriend Debbie from Saginaw and neighbors.  My house is very small but we managed to always have a crowd and a good time.  This is the home God put me in with my daughter to be happy and surrounded with love.

1990 - U.S. President George H.W. Bush, his wife, Barbara, and other congressional leaders shared Thanksgiving dinner with U.S.troops in Saudi Arabia. This is the true meaning of Thanksgiving, to share and be thankful for what we have and to who we owe thanks for the privilege, our soldiers but God first.

Tacuarembo Uruguay Military
    Uruguay had a long history of military cooperation with neighboring countries. It joined with twenty other Latin American nations and the United States in 1945 to sign the Act of Chapultepec, in which each agreed to consult on any aggression against a cosignatory. Uruguay was also a signatory to the 1947 Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (Rio Treaty), in which the United States and Latin American and Caribbean countries committed themselves to working toward the peaceful settlement of disputes and collective self-defense in the Americas. Uruguay also was a signatory to the 1967 Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (Tlatelolco Treaty) and the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Uruguay also accepted the Biological Weapons Convention, which prohibits the development, production, or stockpiling of such weapons.
    Data as of December 1990  Sounds like a good neighbor.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Dr Bill!

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