Wednesday, November 2, 2016

November 2, 2016 Wednesday #achygone#thefall#Daisytroop#lettherebelight#1831

Get Fit
Ok, something is working - maybe the hot shower, but my aches are not so achy today.  Started this morning with warm ups, leg workout and weight workout for arms.  All the experts say the best way to avoid aching is to keep moving.  Go!

Get Faith
Genesis 3:1-7  This chapter is titled "The Fall", about the fall into sin with the help of the devil.  I am going to take the liberty of questioning vs 5 "For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."  I think it should read, you will think you will be like God, knowing good and evil.  We humans have a habit of deciding what WE think is good and evil and bending that truth to our own thoughts.  Think of ISIS and what they think is good. This is the devil messing with us. Your thoughts?

On this day
1990  Another Mom and I started up a Daisy troop to begin the Girl Scout process.  I had been a girl scout and so had the other mom but we were not crazy about the women running the girl scout group at the elementary, so we started our own.  The first meeting included making daisy chains and learning the Gold and Silver girl scout song.  I battled with Nicole for a month or two until it wasn't worth it anymore and we dropped.  She thought it would be learning to tie knots and camping.  Always know your child and encourage their interests, not yours. (maybe).

1883 - Thomas Edison executed a patent application for an electrical indicator using the Edison effect lamp (U.S. Pat. 307,031). Thanks Tom!!

Tacuarembo Uruguay


On 24 October 1831, a presidential decree by Fructuoso Rivera ordered the creation of a city in the region. The task was entrusted to the President's brother, Colonel Bernabé Rivera.
Plaza 19 de Abril
Colonel Rivera left Montevideo on a three-month journey with a caravan of wagons and families, towards the shore of the Tacuaremboty River, which in the Guaraní language means "river of the reeds". The area was surveyed and divided into blocks for settlement. On January 21, 1832, Coronel Rivera founded the town under the name "San Fructuoso", after Saint Fructuosus of Tarragona(whose Saint's Day is January 21[1]).
By 1837, San Fructuoso was a growing town. It had more than 500 residents, a justice of the peace, a military commander, a parish priest, a mayor, and a Public Works Commission. On 16 June 1837, the Tacuarembó Department was created (along with Salto and Paysandú), and San Fructuoso was named the capital.
Over time, the community continued to grow. According to the Act of Ley Nº 2.389, on 17 July 1895 it held the status of "Villa" (town). Its name changed to "Tacuarembó", and on 24 June 1912, its status was elevated to "Ciudad" (city) by the Act of Ley Nº 4.031.[2]    Not even 200 years old!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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