Tuesday, November 15, 2016

November 15, 2016 Tuesday #workoutpartners#meaningless?#Lifebuilders#cowcrossing!

Get Fit!
Nicole and cousin Merri went to the gym this morning to workout.  This is their first time going together and I am hoping it will be a lasting habit.  Some people like to have that partner that expects you to be there, it is added incentive.  What about you!  Get a buddy!

Get Faith
Ecclesiastes 1:1-11  Everything is meaningless.  This is not a good reading if you have a problem with depression.  Lives do matter - all  lives, and our life should be filled with reminding everyone of that promise that comes from God himself.  You mattered enough for him to give you life on this planet that He created for you to enjoy and care for, he was confident that you could do that.  He gave you relationships - good and bad to share and learn from and create new life to go on after you have received the best gift from God, eternal life with him.  Trust in Him that it will be the best life yet.  He knows how to give good things and YOU matter to him.  Now that is meaningful.

On this day
2014  I went to Cross of Glory and helped with Lifebuilders kids day camp.  I went a few times and really enjoyed it.  They had a group of college kids come to run it and they were phenomenal.  Lifebuilders is a great organization, ran by Marilyn and husband Larry.  They run programs for children, teens, adults and seniors and are always looking for help.  They have renovated many homes in the Kelly/8 Mile to 7 Mile area and have brought life and hope to many people.  God Bless them and their work.

1889 - Brazil's monarchy was overthrown.  Life goes on.

Tacuarembó Uruguay

Tacuarembo Image results:
  There are a bunch of these pictures to see our location! Take a look!  Go to Tacuarembo Image results.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Megan 

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