Friday, November 4, 2016

November 4, 2016 Friday #dressforsucess#Agape#lovethelost#lovehelps#lovechurch

Get Fit
When I get up I put my workout clothes on - right away, in case I decide to change my mind.  It works for me AND I got to workout in my hot pink with Richard Simmons today.  I'm pretty sure my resistant band is much more resistant than his.  Just sayin.

Get FAith
1 Corinthians 13:4-7 "Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud."  The other reading 6:9-11 is an explanation of what love isn't.  Love does not coerce others into acts that they do not want to do. It doesn't hurt but uplifts another to a better place.  Love is a safe place to be with and for someone else.  "The greatest of these is love"  Agape - unconditional love for one another - we need it.

On this day
1992 - There was a family, Mom and 3 kids that came to St Paul looking for help.  The church took her under their wing - paid her rent and caught up on her utilities.  We provided food on a regular basis.  I got very involved with her three children- two teenage girls and a young (4) year old boy.  As I learned more about them I found that her idea of raising her children was far different from mine.  I went over to the house one day to discover the middle girl had been bitten by a mouse that was in her pants when she put them on in the morning.  The house was horrifyingly horrible.  They lived in filth, but knew every available hand out in town.  The oldest girl got pregnant and told me, quite happily, she found a crib on the curb that she could use and a free place to get diapers.  They spent all of their time working the system and churches, it was what Mom knew and taught the kids.  I was so appalled to find she was a third generation of that type of thinking and proud of it.  I believe the middle child might have broken the mold - but the other two seemed destined to follow.  I pray someone better than I intervened.  How sad.

1846 - A patent for an artificial leg was granted to Benjamin Palmer. What a great gift to those who need those, and so improved as time has gone on!  Some people make great choices.

Tacuarembo Uruguay 

Places of worship[edit]

Governmental building and Cathedral of St. Fructuosus St Fructuosus in case you were thinking it was less than civilized, as I was.  I am always so surprised to see the beautiful churches around the world.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Dad (RIP) and Christina S!

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