Wednesday, November 9, 2016

November 9, 2016 Wednesday #exerciseinpatience#thywill#roscommon#presidentJose

Get Fit
Getting an emotional workout today.  The election :( and a new baby in the family :).  I was actually no comment on this election - I didn't see a great outcome one way or the other.  Glad it is over.  But I will keep exercising, just in case I am asked to babysit occasionally so I can run, lift and carry this little guy!  Keep up your strength for everything that comes along.

Get Faith
Matthew 16:1-4  The Pharisees and the Sadducees wanted signs from Jesus to prove himself.  We would like to have that too, but we have learned that only time will tell.  God's will be done, trust in that. And I don't think He had anything to do with this election.

On this day
2002 - Nicole, cousin Kathy, Mom and I went up to Roscommon to see Alice and Andy for the weekend.  I left Mom up there to spend some time with her favorite son while Kathy, Nicole and I stopped at Birch Run on the way home.  That was before Kathy started going to Florida for the winter in September.

1872 - A fire destroyed about 800 buildings in Boston, MAThey were all wood in those days.  I wonder which insurance company took a bite on that one.

Tacuarembó Uruguay

José Núñez (President of Nicaragua)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other people with the same name, see José Núñez (disambiguation).

José Núñez (born in Tacuarembó), was the first, third, and fifth President (then called Supreme Director) of Nicaragua from 10 March 1834 to 23 April 1835, from 25 January 1837 to January 1838, from 13 March 1838 to 1838 and from 17 November 1838 to 23 April 1839, respectively. In between, his power was taken by José Zepeda, second President, from 23 April 1835 until his death on 25 January 1837, and by Francisco Jiménez Rubio, fourth President, from January 1838 to 13 March 1838.  Well finally someone who isn't a writer!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Mine was welcome Hudson Andrew!

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