Monday, November 28, 2016

November 28, 2016 Monday #stayhealthy!#Jesusforsinners#lasttime#souveniers!

Get Fit
This time of year it is easy to overlook your health regimen.  We go to parties and eat too much of all the yummy, but wrong stuff. We sit and talk for hours with company or at parties.  We stress over decorating, shopping, baking and visiting.  We come into contact with many, many, people and then they tell you they have a cold or feel like they are coming down with something.  Hmmmm.  SO, eat the right foods when you are able, wash your hands - often, hug don't kiss, exercise,at the least, if you need to but keep it up and get plenty of rest.  This is from someone who almost always gets sick on holidays.  I need to take my own advice this year.  Good luck!

Get Faith
Luke 7:36-50 This is the story of the sinful woman who went to Jesus at the Pharisee's house and washed Jesus's feet with her tears and poured oil on his head.  These were events that were common in those days for health and pleasure reasons, but, not by a woman of her stature to someone of importance.  It is a lesson to us that we are all equal in God's sight, that Jesus did not differentiate between the "righteous" and the sinner.  She knew she was a sinner and in her faith SHE was healed. Jesus is always available to you to share your love with him and be forgiven.

On this day
2008  I packed up and went up to Marine City after work to spend the weekend with my old buddy Fitz.  When I got there I found out that in the past two weeks I had been gone he had gone into a coma from liver disease and was under hospice care.  His daughter and her husband, son and the grandchildren were all there.  They wanted me to stay the weekend with him because they knew it would be the last one.  Turned out it was, he died on Sunday a 1/2 hour after I left.  Spend time with those you love, he still knew I was there.

1993 - The play "Mixed Emotions" closed after 48 performances. I have mixed emotions about this.

Tacuarembó Uruguay 
Let's look at some souvenirs!  
go here and see some really great artwork and jewelry!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Liz!

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