Friday, November 18, 2016

November 18, 2016 Friday #change#friends#change#timechange#changecountries!

Get Fit
Here come those short cold winter days.  I am trying to get myself interested in swimming at the Y and Holy yoga at church but I'm stuck in my every morning at home something.  Any ideas?  TNT put a pool in my dining room?

Get Faith
Luke 22:39-46 This is where Jesus prays for God to take the cup from him, but realizes that isn't going to happen and of course, because He is Christ follows through and makes the extreme sacrifice in saving us from our sins.  He wanted his disciples to pray so that they would not fall into temptation.  In His sorrow for himself he cared for his friends.  Many people have given their lives for others, not just their family, not just their neighbors, not just their kin only, not just their countrymen - but others who have been oppressed.  The study writer closed with this. "Only the light of Christ's love can eliminate the darkness of hatred."  And with our help.

On this day
1977 - Pete and I went over to Pat and Pam's and we all went to play racquetball and then back to Pam's for pizza.  We spent a lot of time together, good friends.  Time changes many things, Pete is not with us anymore, he died of lung cancer a few years back.  I am still friends with Pam and see her at least once a month.  Pat is now with Sherry and I am friends with them.  We don't play any type of sport together -- but we still share pizza occasionally.  40 years later.

1883 - The U.S. and Canada adopted a system of standard time zones. AND who;s idea was it for daylight savings time?  And does it?  Remember the indian chief saying "white men are the only people that cut a piece off one end of the blanket and sew it to the other end and call it better."  Seriously!

Tacuarembo Uruguay
Uruguaycountry located on the southeastern coast of South America. The second smallest nation on the continent, Uruguay has long been overshadowed politically and economically by the adjacent republics of Brazil and Argentina, with both of which it shares many cultural and historical similarities. “On the map, surrounded by its large neighbors, Uruguay seems tiny,” writes contemporary Uruguayan historian and novelist Eduardo Galeano. “But not really. We have five times more land than Holland and five times fewer inhabitants. We have more cultivable land than Japan, and a population forty times smaller.”
     This combination of open space and low population density has afforded Uruguay many opportunities for economic development. An independent country since 1828, with strong ties to the United KingdomFrance, and Italy, Uruguay developed throughout much of the 20th century as one of Latin America’s more progressive societies, notable for its political stability, advanced social legislation, and a relatively large middle class. A period of repressive military rule (1973–85) has cast a long shadow over national life, and, like other countries in the region, Uruguay has been troubled by economic decline and factional struggles in the decades since civilian democratic rule was restored. Such adversities have caused many Uruguayans to emigrate to Europe and North America; as Galeano has remarked, “We export our young.”  Many countries do this, not so much the United States, we seem to be where everyone wants to come.  How much longer?  Things change.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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