Saturday, November 26, 2016

November 26, 2016 Saturday #yoga#Believe#family/friends#caged#familyhotel!

Get Fit  Here is a link to a yoga site.  I think starting at home is the best because you can get a little accustomed to the basics before you join a group.  I was very comfortable going to a group yoga after doing it at home for 20 years.

Get Faith
1 Peter 3;10-12  "Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech.  They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it.  For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil."  Good advice from the apostle Peter.  I have, however, known of people that do evil and still pray for loved ones and God hears - because of God's grace.  Pray often.  And don't forget that whatever evil you have done has been forgiven in his son Jesus Christ if you believe you can still be saved. (If you are praying I assume you believe)

On this day
2003  This was one of the years when Mom, Nicole and I drove up to Roscommon to have Thanksgiving with Andy and Alice at their friends, Shirley and Doug's house.  I didn't mention the weather so it must have been ok.  It can be anything this time of year in Michigan.  We really enjoyed those dinners with them and a house full of people. On this day Nicole had gone to Wayne State to attend a class with her friend Lawrence but got home in time,  I left work at noon, picked up Mom and Nicole and headed north.  This year Andy and Alice came down and had dinner here at my house because yesterday they spent the day at Lindsey and Scott's with their new grandson Hudson.  It was worth the drive.  Embrace every year and every memory.

1716 - The first lion to be exhibited in America went on display in Boston, MAWow look how long ago this started!  Now we are trying to keep those animals from being incarcerated.

Tacuarembo Uruguay

Hotel Carlos Gardel

"Good Hotel to spend some..."
This looks like a nice place.  Hope this is where we stayed.  Check out the others.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Jessica!  

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