Wednesday, November 30, 2016

November 30, 2016 Wednesday #playtennis!#yourinheritance#busyholidaytimes#Zimbabwe!flight!

Get Fit
Worked out with Jillian.  I noticed today that the girls that are very young and in great physical condition were sweating and Jillian was short of  breathe, and here I am berating myself for not keeping up.  Do what you can folks!  But do something.  My hygienist shared that she plays tennis three times a week.  That's great exercise!

Get Faith
1 Peter 1;17-23  Peter talks here about our inheritance.   If you have been in receipt of an inheritance you are so very lucky here on this earth, for this time.  The inheritance your Father God in heaven has given you is an inheritance of time, with Him, for eternity.  It also makes your time here so much more precious knowing we are loved and saved from evil by Christ who gave his life for us.  Merry Christmas!

On this day
2011 - This time of year, I'm sure you have the same things going on.  I went Christmas shopping after work, ordered pizza for dinner and then went to church to decorate.  We all have normal responsibilities this time of year but if they are compounded by financial issues, funerals and extra events it can get pretty stressful.  I had to take a moment this morning to get my priorities straight (and a list) so I don't get sick, which is what usually happens.  Do yourself a favor.  Take time to organize and figure in time to relax for yourself.

 1700 - 8,000 Swedish troops under King Charles XII defeated an army of at least 50,000 Russians at the Battle of Narva. King Charles XII died on this day. Apparently a great win for Sweden but their King must have led them in battle and died.  Another good read I'm sure.

Travel day from Tacuarembo Uruguay to Victoria Falls Zimbabwe.
Today we leave Uruguay and fly ENE to Africa to the country of Zimbabwe to what looks like a beautiful place called Victoria Falls.  The price for one way is around 1,500.00 and the flight will take about 9 hours - so plan on spending the day in the air!  

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