Sunday, September 30, 2018

September 30, 2018 Sunday #My history#Mom#Long flight!

Get Faith
Ephesians 3:6  "This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus"  This was from the reading in the devotional this morning and it struck a cord with me.  In reading through the Old Testament, I no longer think of it as books belonging to the Jewish people, but my story and my God giving me advice and lectures.  Their truth and promise is mine as well.

On This day
2010  took Mom to see Dr Taylor.  This guy has been involved in our lives for quite a while.  On this visit Mom learned that after her test attempt they realized the only choice was to do an Iliostomy. They had to by pass her bowels and put a bag on her.  It was absolutely necessary and the end of life as Mom knew it.  Some people do well with this but my Mom did not.  It was in the end her undoing.  Sad thing but she managed to accept and live with it for five years.  Other members of our family lived with them for 40 years.  We have to try and live life with whatever comes along and make the best of every situation.  For some people this action is life saving and improves lives tremendously.

1399 - Henry Bolingbroke became the King of England as Henry IV.  Maybe we should go back to a monarchy and leave decisions to others.

From Papa New Guinea to Xenia, Illinois 
Ok, There are not a lot of places the start with X, unless we want to go back to China.  I think it is nice to come home and look at something closer.  We will see.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Julie!!

Saturday, September 29, 2018

September 29, 2018 Saturday#Humility#Get back on track#Sightless stargazing#1,000 cultural groups

Get Faith
Proverbs 15:33  "The fear of the Lord teaches a man wisdom, and humility comes before honor." 
Humility [N] [T] [E]
Biblical humility is grounded in the character of God. The Father stoops down to help the poor and needy ( Psalm 113:4-9138:6-7 ); the incarnate Son exhibits humility from the manger to the cross ( Matt 11:29 ; Acts 8:32-33 ; Php 2:5-8 ). The dual usage of "meek" (Gk. praus [prau?"]) and "humble (tapeinos [tapeinov"] "low") in heart" in Matthew 11:29 emphasizes Christ's humility before humankind, whom he came to serve ( Matt 20:28 ; Mark 10:45 ; Luke 22:27 ) and his submission before God. Humility and meekness are often inseparable ( 2 Col 10:1 ; Eph 4:2 ; Col 3:12 ).  I was lost for words on this so I found this.  I don't think I am typically a humble person so I thought this might help.
Get Fit
Amidst doctor appointments, tests and resting I'm hoping to get my energy level back up to normal.  I started this morning with Pilates - legs, arms and abs so we will see how this goes.  I understand how people get sucked into being a couch potato, feeling like they can never get moving again.  It takes a lot of effort but it is worth it - start slow if you need to - but START.  (That's what I told myself)

On this day
2007  I was up at Fitzpatrick's this weekend and hard at work to clean house and take care of the cats before Bob got out of bed.  He kept really late hours and then slept in.  I would wake up in the middle of the night and hear something out side.  When I looked out the window he would be out there in his pajamas with a housecoat or in the winter topped with a heavy work coat and boots over his pajama's.  His dog Chico was on a line that was maybe 50 feet long and the dog and cats would wander back and forth across the yard - together, while Bob blindly gazed upward, listening.  I feared for him when during the week he was home alone.  He was a large man with big hands and strong, even in his 80's.  He had been a concrete cutter in his lifetime and had done well for himself.  I always wondered what went through his head while he was standing out there blind, in the dark, him a 10 lb dog and 20 cats.  RIP Bob.
1829 - The first public appearance by London's re-organized police force was met with jeers from political opponents. The force became known as Scotland Yard. 

Papa New Guinea


Bilum bag from Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province
A resident of Boga-Boga, a village on the southeast coast of mainland Papua New Guinea
A 20th-century wooden Abelam ancestor figure (nggwalndu)
It is estimated that more than a thousand cultural groups exist in Papua New Guinea. Because of this diversity, many styles of cultural expression have emerged. Each group has created its own expressive forms in art, dance, weaponry, costumes, singing, music, architecture and much more.
Most of these cultural groups have their own language. People typically live in villages that rely on subsistence farming. In some areas people hunt and collect wild plants (such as yam roots) to supplement their diets. Those who become skilled at hunting, farming and fishing earn a great deal of respect.
On the Sepik river, there is a tradition of wood carving, often in the form of plants or animals, representing ancestor spirits.
Seashells are no longer the currency of Papua New Guinea, as they were in some regions—sea shells were abolished as currency in 1933. This tradition is still present in local customs. In some cultures, to get a bride, a groom must bring a certain number of golden-edged clam shells[95] as a bride price. In other regions, the bride price is paid in lengths of shell money, pigs, cassowaries or cash. Elsewhere, it is brides who traditionally pay a dowry.
People of the highlands engage in colourful local rituals that are called "sing sings". They paint themselves and dress up with featherspearls and animal skins to represent birds, trees or mountain spirits. Sometimes an important event, such as a legendary battle, is enacted at such a musical festival.
The country possesses one (1) UNESCO World Heritage site, namely, Kuk Early Agricultural Site, which was inscribed in 2008. The country, however, has no elements inscribed yet in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists, despite having one of the widest array of intangible cultural heritage elements in the world.[96][97]

An interesting place, primitive and colorful.  I can't say I would 
physically want to spend time there but I have learned a lot about the diversity of their country.  Tomorrow I will  move us to a new location.  Hope you have enjoyed the information.

Enjoy the day!   Make it memorable!!
Happy Birthday to Mary, Robbin, Bev, Allison and Michael!

Thursday, September 27, 2018

September 27, 2018 Thursday #Prayer#Hold on#Population explosion!

Get Faith
Psalm 116:13  "I will take up the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord."  I have learned to include prayers in everyday of my life to start the day but, when life happens and things are not going as well, of course, prayer multiplies.  I am sure God is used to only hearing from us when things go bad - it has been that way since the beginning.  In reading the Bible - now I'm in Judges when it was always a war with neighbors.  It tells of hundreds of thousands that lost their lives in these wars and then goes on to say that a man that survived the war had 30 sons and 60 grandsons.  The population has to be replenished.  It hasn't changed, except for the 30 sons - because most men have one or two wives that bare them children in their lifetime now.  I call upon the name of the Lord for peace - but it is too late for so many.

On this day
2006  Nicole was off at Albion college and I was still the Director of the Board of Youth and the youth leader.  On this night it was youth group - down in the beautiful new youth room in the new section of church.  In hindsight - the old youth room in the old section with Bruce as the leader was so much more successful but, I held it together for years waiting for Nicole to come back home and pick it up again - which she did.  Life goes through changes and the world keeps turning.  As in exercising, do what you can.

1779 - John Adams was elected to negotiate with the British over the American Revolutionary War peace terms. It's not over till it's over, right?

Papa New Guinea


Huli wigman from the Southern Highlands
Papua New Guinea is one of the most heterogeneous nations in the world.[78] There are hundreds of ethnic groups indigenous to Papua New Guinea, the majority being from the group known as Papuans, whose ancestors arrived in the New Guinea region tens of thousands of years ago. The other indigenous peoples are Austronesians, their ancestors having arrived in the region less than four thousand years ago.
There are also numerous people from other parts of the world now resident, including Chinese,[79] Europeans, Australians, Indonesians, Filipinos, Polynesians, and Micronesians (the last four belonging to the Austronesian family). Around 40,000 expatriates, mostly from Australia and China, were living in Papua New Guinea in 1975.[80]

No mention of Americans here.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Tony M.!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

September 26, 2018 Wednesday #Fatherly advice#busy days#3% freehold

Get Faith
Psalm 86:11 "Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth, unite my heart to fear Your name."  Don't touch that or you will burn yourself!  Be careful you don't slip on the ice!  Watch out going down the stairs so you don't fall!  All good advice to keep you safe, probably from your parents.  God does the same - Don't live your life like that or you will go to hell.  That might be horrible to hear but, why wouldn't your Father in heaven tell you that?  He wants you to survive!  He wants you to be happy here!  He wants you in eternity with Him.  Don't touch that or you will burn yourself.

On this day
2002  I had to be at work at 7 and Nicole had to be at school early.  The guys at work had a paving job so I was alone at the shop all day and I'm sure Nicole had something with student council or something.  These were really busy days and Mom had dinner ready for us on this night at her apartment.  Good thing because, Nicole had a basketball game with Warren Woods Tower that evening, they played well but lost, this time.

1777 - Philadelphia was occupied by British troops during the American Revolutionary War.  I though the war ended in 1776.?

Papa New Guinea

Only some 3% of the land of Papua New Guinea is in private hands; this is privately held under 99-year state lease, or it is held by the State. There is virtually no freehold title; the few existing freeholds are automatically converted to state lease when they are transferred between vendor and purchaser. Unalienated land is owned under customary title by traditional landowners. The precise nature of the seisin varies from one culture to another. Many writers portray land as in the communal ownership of traditional clans; however, closer studies usually show that the smallest portions of land whose ownership cannot be further divided are held by the individual heads of extended families and their descendants or their descendants alone if they have recently died.[citation needed
Sounds like a lack of freedom to me.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Amanda, Kellie and Lindsey!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

September 25, 2018 Tuesday #Find Him#Homecoming#Globalchange!

Get Faith
Jeremiah 29:11-13  "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord.  "They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.  In those days when you pray, I will listen.  You will find me when you seek me, if you look for me in earnest."  You have a relationship with the Lord, whether you know it or not.  It might be one sided - all Him paying attention to you.  He has a plan and is waiting for you to ask Him and He will be waiting and eager to listen and lead you.  Maybe today?

Get Fit
Tried to work out but my strength still fails me.  When you are ailing it seems like maybe you won't get better, that this is it.  In that case reread the above verse.

On this day
2000  I had to ask Nicole what this was about.  She knew immediately.  It was homecoming parade and dance etc.  Nicole, Danielle, Kathy and Laura were all on student council and were making flowers for decorations.  When I first read that these girls were going to a flower party it didn't make any sense to me.  Note to self - more info on journal notes.  We think we will remember those things but we don't.  I had Grace Circle at church that night.

1493 - Christopher Columbus left Spain with 17 ships on his second voyage to the Western Hemisphere. This guy was driven wasn't he?

Papa New Guinea

Environmental issues[edit]

At current rates of deforestation, more than half of Papua New Guinea's forests could be lost or seriously degraded by 2021, according to a new satellite study of the region.[62] Nearly one quarter of Papua New Guinea's rainforests were damaged or destroyed between 1972 and 2002.[63]

2018 earthquake[edit]

On February 25, 2018, an earthquake of magnitude 7.5 and depth of 35 kilometres struck the middle of Papua New Guinea.[64] The worst of the damage was centred around the Southern Highlands region. As of March 1 there were 31 reported deaths, and that number was expected to rise.[65]  
 Our rain forests are necessary to our earth, and the earth is always changing - it doesn't 
care about population or life effects when it moves.  We are collateral damage to our living 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Robbin!!

Monday, September 24, 2018

September 24, 2018 Monday#Listen#Heal#Social!#Geography

Get Faith
Proverbs 1:7  "How does a man (gain knowledge and ) become wise?  The first step is to trust and reverence the Lord!"  If you only know what you have taught yourself you will not go far in this world.  There was a young man working at the ice cream business this summer and I tried to tell him to listen to Mary who has worked there for 20 years.  When I started talking he talked over me, everytime.  I sent him a note saying if you don't listen you never learn.  He ripped it up and threw it in the garbage.  He didn't last long there and I suspect won't at most jobs.  He will have to start his own business and work for himself - because he knows everything.  Does that remind you of anyone?  We all often think we have the best answers and know better than someone else but it isn't always so.  We can learn from others, but the best one is to listen to God.  Proverbs has some great advice!  Read it sometime.

Get Fit
Today I'm looking for advice not giving it.  Not feeling well leaves you weak and non productive - I hate it.  I'm not often sick, I don't think and I wonder how people with chronic illness or pain get by.  Take care of yourself and get back to being active when you can.  (Talking to myself)

On this day
1999  There comes a time in a parents life when the child's activities are more exciting than their own and this is one of those days.  After work I went home and had dinner with Mom.  Nicole, on the other hand, went to Laura B's, Arbys, a football game, bowling and then back to Steve's.  At fourteen you can do all that after school and survive.  She is my daughter!!

1789 - The U.S. Congress passed the First Judiciary Act. The act provided for an Attorney General and a lower federal courts. The building of a nation!

Papa New Guinea
Located north of the Australian mainland, the country's geography is diverse and, in places, extremely rugged. A spine of mountains, the New Guinea Highlands, runs the length of the island of New Guinea, forming a populous highlands region mostly covered with tropical rainforest, and the long Papuan Peninsula, known as the 'Bird's Tail'. Dense rainforests can be found in the lowland and coastal areas as well as very large wetland areas surrounding the Sepik and Fly rivers. This terrain has made it difficult for the country to develop transportation infrastructure. Some areas are accessible only on foot or by aeroplane.[citation needed] The highest peak is Mount Wilhelm at 4,509 metres (14,793 ft). Papua New Guinea is surrounded by coral reefs which are under close watch, in the interests of preservation.
The country is situated on the Pacific Ring of Fire, at the point of collision of several tectonic plates. There are a number of active volcanoes, and eruptions are frequent. Earthquakes are relatively common, sometimes accompanied by tsunamis
I read a story once of two men that went to explore the rain forest here and it was horrifying to me - the snakes and bugs alone would keep me out of there but they were fascinated with the wonderful flora and fauna.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Saturday, September 22, 2018

September 22, 2018 Saturday#Be still#AMYoga#recharge#Bad human rights!

Get Faith
Psalm 46:10  "Be still, and know that I am God."  As we heard in yesterdays study, God can come in a whisper.  It is so hard to be still, meditate and clear my mind.  Are you the same?  I think we are bombarded by so much noise - TV, phones, computers - talking all the time, just a constant buzz of sound.  Even when I first get up in the morning there is noise - the refrigerator running, my computer in the background, cars going by.  When I was up at my brother's last week and sitting in the living room way out in the woods in the country, their was still noise.  So I try harder to listen for the important thing - the whisper from God reassuring me that all is fine, that He is with me and my loved ones, that this day will refresh my faith in His Word and comfort me.

Get Fit
Duh!  It is Saturday so it was AM yoga. 

On this day
1998   In September it doesn't take long for all the events to start back up - school and all the extra curricular and church and on this day it was practice for the play rehearsal they do every November.  This year it was Oz.  Nicole was Nikko the head of the flying monkeys.  Appropriate don't you think?  It was great fun and is always a lot of work.  This year they are doing A Christmas Carol.

1998 - The U.S. and Russia signed two agreements. One was to privatize Russia's nuclear program and the other was to stop plutonium stockpiles and nuclear scientists from leaving the country. 

1998 - U.S. President Clinton addressed the United Nations and told world leaders to "end all nuclear tests for all time". He then sent the long-delayed global test-ban treaty to the U.S. Senate. In case you thought someone had fixed this .... no.

Papa New Guinea

Human rights[edit]

Papua New Guinean children, men and women show their support for putting an end to violence against women during a White Ribbon Daymarch
Papua New Guinea is often ranked as likely the worst place in the world for violence against women.[46][47] A 2013 study in The Lancet found that 27% of men on Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea, reported having raped a non-partner, while 14.1% reported having committed gang rape.[48] According to UNICEF, nearly half of reported rape victims are under 15 years of age and 13% are under 7 years of age.[49] A report by ChildFund Australia, citing former Parliamentarian Dame Carol Kidu, claimed 50% of those seeking medical help after rape are under 16, 25% are under 12, and 10% are under 8.[50]
The 1976 Sorcery Act imposed a penalty of up to 2 years in prison for the practice of "black" magic, until the Act was repealed in 2013.[51] An estimated 50–150 alleged witches are killed each year in Papua New Guinea.[52] There are also no protections given to LGBT citizens in the countryHomosexual acts are prohibited by law in Papua New Guinea;[53] it is one of the very few Christian countries in present time to criminalise homosexuality.  Nope don't want to go there for even a visit.  This is horrible.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Heather, Michael and Kristin C!

Friday, September 21, 2018

September 21, 2018 Friday #Whisper#Catnap#Sunday dinner#Rulers

Get Faith
1 Kings 19:12  "After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire came a gentle whisper"  God comes to us in many ways, He came to Elijah and after all the noise of wind, earthquake and fire He was there in a whisper.  Quietly calling him to do His work and He empowered Elijah to continue when all Elijah wanted to do was die.  Jesus also came to us gently with words of peace and love and kindness.  Be still today and listen for God's whisper to you.

Get Fit
I did the dancers workshop today - aerobics and leg exercises, now I hope I have the strength to clean house.  Sleep is an essential part of  good health and mine was interrupted many times last night - by the cat.  He was 8 inches away from my head and screaming out the open window at a visiting cat.  Shhhh he is behind me on my bed sleeping now - I'm going to go scream in his ear and then go to urgent care for stitches.

On this day
1997  Oh how I used to love the Sunday dinners with family.  Mom always had dinner for us so Andy, Mark and I would most often be there with maybe a friend, then later I picked it up when Mom moved up to Gaylord.  When Andy met Alice we shared the dinners at their house or mine.  I still like when Nicole is home for dinner on Sunday - now that it is getting to be fall maybe I'll start up again.  It was at Andy and Alice's in 1997 - she made the best roasts or stuffed cabbage.

1792 - The French National Convention voted to abolish the monarchy. Out with the king!!!

Papa New Guinea
Papua New Guinea is a Commonwealth realm. Queen Elizabeth II is its sovereign and head of state. The constitutional convention, which prepared the draft constitution, and Australia, the outgoing metropolitan power, had thought that Papua New Guinea would not remain a monarchy. The founders, however, considered that imperial honours had a cachet.[44] The monarch is represented by the Governor-General of Papua New Guinea, currently Bob Dadae. Papua New Guinea (and the Solomon Islands) are unusual among Commonwealth realms in that governors-general are elected by the legislature, rather than chosen by the executive branch.
The Prime Minister heads the cabinet, which consists of 31 MPs from the ruling coalition, which make up the government. The current prime minister is Peter O'Neill. The unicameral National Parliament has 111 seats, of which 22 are occupied by the governors of the 22 provinces and the National Capital District (NCD). Candidates for members of parliament are voted upon when the prime minister asks the governor-general to call a national election, a maximum of five years after the previous national election.
Still sounds like the Brits are ruling to me.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Paradise!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

September 20, 2018 Thursday#Strength#Hover#Independence

Get Faith
Philippians 4:13  "I can do everything through him who gives me strength."  This is something I pray a lot for.  Strength, to get through each day, to be able to stay healthy, to achieve the things I'd like to do and to be there for all the people I want to be there for.  Strength - I work for it through exercising and eating healthy.  But the best place is from God.  Isaiah 40:31 "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength."  Stay strong!

Get Fit
I did a little Pilates this morning but I can tell I I have a harder time doing "the 100 " then I did before.  Better get back in shape.

On this day
1992  I think I had a meeting after church so Aaron and Nicole asked me if they could walk home.  It wasn't too far, less than a mile but, I remember worrying , it was the first time they had asked to do this.  Aaron was 14 after all and responsible to take care of his 7 year old sister.  They were fine of course but it attests to my being a hoverer.  Do you hover?  I think it is normal for mom's to be this way - and dads. 

1992 - French voters approved the Maastricht Treaty. 1992 French voters narrowly approved the Maastricht treaty in a cliffhanger referendum, putting European Union back on track after weeks of uncertainty. 

Papa New Guinea
In 2012, despite a refugee crisis at the border of Papua New Guinea and West Papua, the country was steadfast in its support of Indonesia, which promised Papua New Guinea a greater role in ASEAN in the future. By 2017, the Indonesian-led genocide against West Papuan natives peaked with almost 25% of the native population killed within a 50-year period.[38][39] The realisation caused massive backlash from Oceanian nations against Papua New Guinea's policy on West Papua. In January 2017, Papua New Guinea gave citizenship to 138 West Papuan refugees in a bid to calm tensions.[40] In September 2017, Papua New Guinea rejected the West Papuan Independence Petition in the United Nations General Assembly, to the pleasure of Indonesia.[41]
From March to April 2018, a chain of earthquakes hit Papua New Guinea, causing various damage. Various nations from Oceania, Australia, the Philippines and Timor-Lesteimmediately sent aid to the country.[42][43]  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Liz, Kristina and Joanne!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

September 18, 2018 Tuesday#Praise#Fall plan#Fall clothes#A to Z#Not LGBTfriendly

Get Faith
Psalm 145:20  "The Lord watches over all who love him."  So, do you love the Lord?  Search deep and remember when you have told Him you love Him and have worshiped him in song and prayer.  He knows what is in your heart, do you?  Don't make Him dig so hard to find it - let loose and praise God with all your soul and voice and heart.  "Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow"! 

Get Fit
There are so many fitness and health locations on line that you can stimulate yourself with.  Get a plan.  Though summer is over - fall is a great time to beef up your work outs!  It is cooler and you are probably in the best shape of the year coming out of summer.  Join a gym or a class or get with a buddy to encourage your endeavor.  Keep a work out journal so that you feel guilty if you miss a day with nothing to write in your journal.  (that's my trick)  I worked out with the elastic bands today - abs, legs and arms!  You go!!!

On this day
1990 - I noted in my journal - Unseasonably cold and rainy.  Today this year we have unseasonably hot and humid.  Nicole was in kindergarten and I'm sure it was difficult to dress them for whatever weather was going on.  We are going  from hot weather last week to cold this week.  Ah fall, you gotta love it.

1709 - The creator of the first dictionary of the English language, Samuel Johnson, was born in England. You might not know this about me but I would love to have written the first dictionary.  Think about that!  lol

Papa New Guinea
Numerous Chinese have worked and lived in Papua New Guinea, establishing Chinese-majority communities. Chinese merchants became established in the islands before European exploration. Anti-Chinese rioting involving tens of thousands of people broke out in May 2009. The initial spark was a fight between ethnic Chinese and Papua New Guinean workers at a nickelfactory under construction by a Chinese company. Native resentment against Chinese ownership of numerous small businesses and their commercial monopoly in the islands led to the rioting. The Chinese have long been merchants in Papua New Guinea.[34][35] In the same year, Papua New Guinea asked various Southeast Asian nations for their support for Papua New Guinea's full membership bid in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Indonesia supported the bid after Papua New Guinea supported Indonesia's hold on West Papua. However, the Christian-majority Philippines and Buddhist-majority ThailandVietnam, and Cambodia have expressed displeasure over Papua New Guinea's anti-LGBT laws, stating that equality-friendly Timor-Leste would most likely be a more feasible ASEAN member state in the future.[36][37]  Interesting information if you are traveling.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Adele, David and Jackie!

September 17, 2018 Monday#Be nice!#Fool yourself#Autumn leaves#current events.

Get Faith  
Galatians 6:9  "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."  Very often we can get discouraged with always being the nice guy.  Hang in there because if you back slide it takes a while to regain ground with those who have been counting on you to be Goody Two Shoes.  We are human though, after all, and we all backslide.  At the end of the day when you put your head down on your pillow it is easier to fall asleep knowing you haven't caused trouble or anguish for someone else, but instead, have helped them fall asleep in peace as well.

Get Fit
Been a way for a few days and although I did some workouts while I was up north it is good to get back to my normal schedule.  I fired up with good old Richard and "Soul Man" this morning.  I kid myself into thinking I'm back in the day!  Fool yourself into feeling better.

On this day
1988  The kids were outside playing and I went out to rake leaves.  I used to have 5 Ash trees in my yard and that made for plenty of leaves.  My neighbor has a couple big trees yet, but looking out of my window on my yard I don't see one leave on my lawn.  So, it is still 80 degrees this past week, I assume global warming has something to do with our later summers.  It is ok with me, but I do love fall.   Nicole was three and Aaron would have been 10, they loved to rake and jump in the leaves along with Toto.

1988 - Lt. Gen. Prosper Avril declared himself president of Haiti after President Henri Hamphy was ousted. 

Papa New Guinea
A secessionist revolt in 1975–76 on Bougainville Island resulted in an eleventh-hour modification of the draft Constitution of Papua New Guinea to allow for Bougainville and the other eighteen districts to have quasi-federal status as provinces. A renewed uprising on Bougainville started in 1988 and claimed 20,000 lives until it was resolved in 1997. Bougainville had been the chief mining region of the country, generating 40% of the national budget. The native peoples felt they were bearing the adverse environmental effects of the mining, which poisoned the land, water and air, without gaining a fair share of the profits.[31]
The government and rebels negotiated a peace agreement that established the Bougainville Autonomous District and Province. The autonomous Bougainville elected Joseph Kabui as president in 2005, who served until his death in 2008. He was succeeded by his deputy John Tabinaman as acting president while an election to fill the unexpired term was organised. James Tanis won that election in December 2008 and served until the inauguration of John Momis, the winner of the 2010 elections. As part of the current peace settlement, a referendum on independence is planned to be held in Bougainville sometime before mid-2020. Preparations were underway in 2015.[32][33]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!