Thursday, September 6, 2018

September 6, 2018 Thursday #Join us#Family#developing nation!

Get Faith
Matthew 5:4  "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."  This is from the Beatitudes where Jesus comforted the people with reassurance of their future and who they were.  It is so hard to loose someone dear to you but I can't imagine not having that faith that tells me I will see them again.  My brother David, aka Buster was crib bound his entire life.  He was born with a brain stem inherited abnormality that kept him in an infant state.  He was baptized and never committed a sin, just lived 16 years in a state home that I have to believe he was well cared for or I just cry.  My brother Mark died at 29, I know he had solid faith but did not live a sinless life.  Because of my faith I know that my two brothers will be waiting for me when I get to heaven and we will be rejoined again.  Why would anyone not want that surety?  God loves us and has made it fool proof to be in the next life with him.   Believe, repent and be saved.

On this day
1979  I made time for my family, always.  On this day I went over to my Uncle Hank and Aunt Theresa's.  Uncle Hank had bought an old MG and it was really in good shape.  He wondered if I would like it -it was yellow like the last little yellow sport car I had, the Austin-Healy.  I remembered how much trouble that car was and passed but went out to dinner with them and Bill and Hilda, old family friends that had been around since I was a baby.  I enjoyed their company and glad that I spent the time with them.  They are all gone now - playing cards in heaven, I'm thinking.

1819 - Thomas Blanchard patented a machine called the lathe. So many men made a living using this.

Wabag Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea is classified as a developing economy by the International Monetary Fund.[14] Strong growth in Papua New Guinea's mining and resource sector led to the country becoming the sixth-fastest-growing economy in the world in 2011.[15] Growth was expected to slow once major resource projects came on line in 2015.[16] Mining remains a major economic factor, however. Local and national governments are discussing the potential of resuming mining operations at the Panguna mine in Bougainville Province, which has been closed since the civil war in the 1980s–1990s.[17] Nearly 40 per cent of the population lives a self-sustainable natural lifestyle with no access to global capital.[18]
Most of the people still live in strong traditional social groups based on farming. Their social lives combine traditional religion with modern practices, including primary education.[12] These societies and clans are explicitly acknowledged by the Papua New Guinea Constitution, which expresses the wish for "traditional villages and communities to remain as viable units of Papua New Guinean society"[19] and protects their continuing importance to local and national community life.  Seems hard to believe there are still developing nations on this world, especially "with no access to global capital".

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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