Thursday, September 20, 2018

September 20, 2018 Thursday#Strength#Hover#Independence

Get Faith
Philippians 4:13  "I can do everything through him who gives me strength."  This is something I pray a lot for.  Strength, to get through each day, to be able to stay healthy, to achieve the things I'd like to do and to be there for all the people I want to be there for.  Strength - I work for it through exercising and eating healthy.  But the best place is from God.  Isaiah 40:31 "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength."  Stay strong!

Get Fit
I did a little Pilates this morning but I can tell I I have a harder time doing "the 100 " then I did before.  Better get back in shape.

On this day
1992  I think I had a meeting after church so Aaron and Nicole asked me if they could walk home.  It wasn't too far, less than a mile but, I remember worrying , it was the first time they had asked to do this.  Aaron was 14 after all and responsible to take care of his 7 year old sister.  They were fine of course but it attests to my being a hoverer.  Do you hover?  I think it is normal for mom's to be this way - and dads. 

1992 - French voters approved the Maastricht Treaty. 1992 French voters narrowly approved the Maastricht treaty in a cliffhanger referendum, putting European Union back on track after weeks of uncertainty. 

Papa New Guinea
In 2012, despite a refugee crisis at the border of Papua New Guinea and West Papua, the country was steadfast in its support of Indonesia, which promised Papua New Guinea a greater role in ASEAN in the future. By 2017, the Indonesian-led genocide against West Papuan natives peaked with almost 25% of the native population killed within a 50-year period.[38][39] The realisation caused massive backlash from Oceanian nations against Papua New Guinea's policy on West Papua. In January 2017, Papua New Guinea gave citizenship to 138 West Papuan refugees in a bid to calm tensions.[40] In September 2017, Papua New Guinea rejected the West Papuan Independence Petition in the United Nations General Assembly, to the pleasure of Indonesia.[41]
From March to April 2018, a chain of earthquakes hit Papua New Guinea, causing various damage. Various nations from Oceania, Australia, the Philippines and Timor-Lesteimmediately sent aid to the country.[42][43]  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Liz, Kristina and Joanne!!

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