Friday, September 21, 2018

September 21, 2018 Friday #Whisper#Catnap#Sunday dinner#Rulers

Get Faith
1 Kings 19:12  "After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire came a gentle whisper"  God comes to us in many ways, He came to Elijah and after all the noise of wind, earthquake and fire He was there in a whisper.  Quietly calling him to do His work and He empowered Elijah to continue when all Elijah wanted to do was die.  Jesus also came to us gently with words of peace and love and kindness.  Be still today and listen for God's whisper to you.

Get Fit
I did the dancers workshop today - aerobics and leg exercises, now I hope I have the strength to clean house.  Sleep is an essential part of  good health and mine was interrupted many times last night - by the cat.  He was 8 inches away from my head and screaming out the open window at a visiting cat.  Shhhh he is behind me on my bed sleeping now - I'm going to go scream in his ear and then go to urgent care for stitches.

On this day
1997  Oh how I used to love the Sunday dinners with family.  Mom always had dinner for us so Andy, Mark and I would most often be there with maybe a friend, then later I picked it up when Mom moved up to Gaylord.  When Andy met Alice we shared the dinners at their house or mine.  I still like when Nicole is home for dinner on Sunday - now that it is getting to be fall maybe I'll start up again.  It was at Andy and Alice's in 1997 - she made the best roasts or stuffed cabbage.

1792 - The French National Convention voted to abolish the monarchy. Out with the king!!!

Papa New Guinea
Papua New Guinea is a Commonwealth realm. Queen Elizabeth II is its sovereign and head of state. The constitutional convention, which prepared the draft constitution, and Australia, the outgoing metropolitan power, had thought that Papua New Guinea would not remain a monarchy. The founders, however, considered that imperial honours had a cachet.[44] The monarch is represented by the Governor-General of Papua New Guinea, currently Bob Dadae. Papua New Guinea (and the Solomon Islands) are unusual among Commonwealth realms in that governors-general are elected by the legislature, rather than chosen by the executive branch.
The Prime Minister heads the cabinet, which consists of 31 MPs from the ruling coalition, which make up the government. The current prime minister is Peter O'Neill. The unicameral National Parliament has 111 seats, of which 22 are occupied by the governors of the 22 provinces and the National Capital District (NCD). Candidates for members of parliament are voted upon when the prime minister asks the governor-general to call a national election, a maximum of five years after the previous national election.
Still sounds like the Brits are ruling to me.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Paradise!

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