Monday, September 24, 2018

September 24, 2018 Monday#Listen#Heal#Social!#Geography

Get Faith
Proverbs 1:7  "How does a man (gain knowledge and ) become wise?  The first step is to trust and reverence the Lord!"  If you only know what you have taught yourself you will not go far in this world.  There was a young man working at the ice cream business this summer and I tried to tell him to listen to Mary who has worked there for 20 years.  When I started talking he talked over me, everytime.  I sent him a note saying if you don't listen you never learn.  He ripped it up and threw it in the garbage.  He didn't last long there and I suspect won't at most jobs.  He will have to start his own business and work for himself - because he knows everything.  Does that remind you of anyone?  We all often think we have the best answers and know better than someone else but it isn't always so.  We can learn from others, but the best one is to listen to God.  Proverbs has some great advice!  Read it sometime.

Get Fit
Today I'm looking for advice not giving it.  Not feeling well leaves you weak and non productive - I hate it.  I'm not often sick, I don't think and I wonder how people with chronic illness or pain get by.  Take care of yourself and get back to being active when you can.  (Talking to myself)

On this day
1999  There comes a time in a parents life when the child's activities are more exciting than their own and this is one of those days.  After work I went home and had dinner with Mom.  Nicole, on the other hand, went to Laura B's, Arbys, a football game, bowling and then back to Steve's.  At fourteen you can do all that after school and survive.  She is my daughter!!

1789 - The U.S. Congress passed the First Judiciary Act. The act provided for an Attorney General and a lower federal courts. The building of a nation!

Papa New Guinea
Located north of the Australian mainland, the country's geography is diverse and, in places, extremely rugged. A spine of mountains, the New Guinea Highlands, runs the length of the island of New Guinea, forming a populous highlands region mostly covered with tropical rainforest, and the long Papuan Peninsula, known as the 'Bird's Tail'. Dense rainforests can be found in the lowland and coastal areas as well as very large wetland areas surrounding the Sepik and Fly rivers. This terrain has made it difficult for the country to develop transportation infrastructure. Some areas are accessible only on foot or by aeroplane.[citation needed] The highest peak is Mount Wilhelm at 4,509 metres (14,793 ft). Papua New Guinea is surrounded by coral reefs which are under close watch, in the interests of preservation.
The country is situated on the Pacific Ring of Fire, at the point of collision of several tectonic plates. There are a number of active volcanoes, and eruptions are frequent. Earthquakes are relatively common, sometimes accompanied by tsunamis
I read a story once of two men that went to explore the rain forest here and it was horrifying to me - the snakes and bugs alone would keep me out of there but they were fascinated with the wonderful flora and fauna.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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