Saturday, September 8, 2018

September 8, 2018 Saturday#Give it to God#OCD#Sweet potato!

Get Faith
1 Peter 5:6-7  "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.  Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."   The devotional writer referred to C.S. Lewis writing about distractions during prayer in his book  The Screwtape Letters.  He noted that when our minds wander, we tend to use willpower to steer ourselves back to our original prayer.  Lewis concluded, though, that it was better to accept "the distraction as (our) present problem and (lay) that before (God) and make it the main theme of (our ) prayers."  That really struck a chord with me as I have two heavy things on my mind this morning.  Don't dismiss your worry - give it to God.

On this day
1983  It was a Thursday, I had been busy all day at work and stopped at the grocery store on my way home.  My brother Andy was living with me and our lives were really busy, socially with boat racing etc.  But, I am a person of habit and Thursday is always the day I take care of myself - facials, hair, nails, long baths etc.  It still is, now they say I am OCD with my routines, it is ok it works for me.

1664 - The Dutch surrendered New Amsterdam to the British, who then renamed it New YorkAnd is to this day.

Papa New Guinea

In the 18th century, traders brought the sweet potato to New Guinea, where it was adopted and became part of the staples. Portuguese traders had obtained it from South America and introduced it to the Moluccas.[22] The far higher crop yields from sweet potato gardens radically transformed traditional agriculture and societies. Sweet potato largely supplanted the previous staple, taro, and resulted in a significant increase in population in the highlands.  One crop can change the world.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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