Saturday, September 22, 2018

September 22, 2018 Saturday#Be still#AMYoga#recharge#Bad human rights!

Get Faith
Psalm 46:10  "Be still, and know that I am God."  As we heard in yesterdays study, God can come in a whisper.  It is so hard to be still, meditate and clear my mind.  Are you the same?  I think we are bombarded by so much noise - TV, phones, computers - talking all the time, just a constant buzz of sound.  Even when I first get up in the morning there is noise - the refrigerator running, my computer in the background, cars going by.  When I was up at my brother's last week and sitting in the living room way out in the woods in the country, their was still noise.  So I try harder to listen for the important thing - the whisper from God reassuring me that all is fine, that He is with me and my loved ones, that this day will refresh my faith in His Word and comfort me.

Get Fit
Duh!  It is Saturday so it was AM yoga. 

On this day
1998   In September it doesn't take long for all the events to start back up - school and all the extra curricular and church and on this day it was practice for the play rehearsal they do every November.  This year it was Oz.  Nicole was Nikko the head of the flying monkeys.  Appropriate don't you think?  It was great fun and is always a lot of work.  This year they are doing A Christmas Carol.

1998 - The U.S. and Russia signed two agreements. One was to privatize Russia's nuclear program and the other was to stop plutonium stockpiles and nuclear scientists from leaving the country. 

1998 - U.S. President Clinton addressed the United Nations and told world leaders to "end all nuclear tests for all time". He then sent the long-delayed global test-ban treaty to the U.S. Senate. In case you thought someone had fixed this .... no.

Papa New Guinea

Human rights[edit]

Papua New Guinean children, men and women show their support for putting an end to violence against women during a White Ribbon Daymarch
Papua New Guinea is often ranked as likely the worst place in the world for violence against women.[46][47] A 2013 study in The Lancet found that 27% of men on Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea, reported having raped a non-partner, while 14.1% reported having committed gang rape.[48] According to UNICEF, nearly half of reported rape victims are under 15 years of age and 13% are under 7 years of age.[49] A report by ChildFund Australia, citing former Parliamentarian Dame Carol Kidu, claimed 50% of those seeking medical help after rape are under 16, 25% are under 12, and 10% are under 8.[50]
The 1976 Sorcery Act imposed a penalty of up to 2 years in prison for the practice of "black" magic, until the Act was repealed in 2013.[51] An estimated 50–150 alleged witches are killed each year in Papua New Guinea.[52] There are also no protections given to LGBT citizens in the countryHomosexual acts are prohibited by law in Papua New Guinea;[53] it is one of the very few Christian countries in present time to criminalise homosexuality.  Nope don't want to go there for even a visit.  This is horrible.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Heather, Michael and Kristin C!

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