Tuesday, September 11, 2018

September 11, 2018 Tuesday#Named and Saved#Don't lie#Amazing!#German-Britain-Australia

Get Faith
2 Chronicles 7:14-15 "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.  Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place."  He called us by name and then he sent His Son Jesus, who He named Jehovah saves, and we are saved.  He hears our prayers and he saves us from ourselves.

Get Fit
The reason I tell you that I lifted weights today is to keep myself inspired to keep lifting weights or do whatever exercise I do, so I don't have to lie and say I did.   I am also hoping that you are encouraged to keep doing whatever fitness works for you.  We all need someone to encourage us, remind us and inspire us to do better things for ourselves.  Hope you keep up your exercise program whatever you do!

On this day
1986  When your first baby farts you make note of it - it's a monumental event.  Nicole was 15-16 months old and I mentioned in my journal that after dinner she ate an entire popsicle, very neatly and that she is saying "hello".  It didn't matter that I had to work and Grandma and Uncle Mark had spent the day with her.  It didn't matter that it was a chilly rainy day and Christine had her last golf outing of the year - just those miraculous achievements of eating a popsicle and saying hello.  That's motherhood for you.

1499 - French forces took over Milan, Italy. I always thought the French were lovers not fighters.

Papa New Guinea
In the nineteenth century, Germany ruled the northern half of the country for some decades, beginning in 1884, as a colony named German New Guinea. In 1914 after the outbreak of World War I, Australian forces landed and captured German New Guinea in a small military campaign and occupied it throughout the war. After the war, in which Germany and the Central Powers were defeated, the League of Nations authorised Australia to administer this area as a League of Nations mandate territory.
The southern half of the country had been colonised in 1884 by the United Kingdom as British New Guinea. With the Papua Act 1905, the UK transferred this territory to the newly formed Commonwealth of Australia, which took on its administration. Additionally, from 1905, British New Guinea was renamed as the Territory of Papua. In contrast to establishing an Australian mandate in former German New Guinea, the League of Nations determined that Papua was an External Territory of the Australian Commonwealth; as a matter of law it remained a British possession. The difference in legal status meant that until 1949, Papua New Guinea had entirely separate administrations, both controlled by Australia. These conditions contributed to the complexity of organising the country's post-independence legal system.
New Guinea from 1884 to 1919. Germany and Britain controlled the eastern half of New Guinea.
British annexation of southeast New Guinea in 1884

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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