Sunday, September 30, 2018

September 30, 2018 Sunday #My history#Mom#Long flight!

Get Faith
Ephesians 3:6  "This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus"  This was from the reading in the devotional this morning and it struck a cord with me.  In reading through the Old Testament, I no longer think of it as books belonging to the Jewish people, but my story and my God giving me advice and lectures.  Their truth and promise is mine as well.

On This day
2010  took Mom to see Dr Taylor.  This guy has been involved in our lives for quite a while.  On this visit Mom learned that after her test attempt they realized the only choice was to do an Iliostomy. They had to by pass her bowels and put a bag on her.  It was absolutely necessary and the end of life as Mom knew it.  Some people do well with this but my Mom did not.  It was in the end her undoing.  Sad thing but she managed to accept and live with it for five years.  Other members of our family lived with them for 40 years.  We have to try and live life with whatever comes along and make the best of every situation.  For some people this action is life saving and improves lives tremendously.

1399 - Henry Bolingbroke became the King of England as Henry IV.  Maybe we should go back to a monarchy and leave decisions to others.

From Papa New Guinea to Xenia, Illinois 
Ok, There are not a lot of places the start with X, unless we want to go back to China.  I think it is nice to come home and look at something closer.  We will see.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Julie!!

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