Tuesday, September 18, 2018

September 18, 2018 Tuesday#Praise#Fall plan#Fall clothes#A to Z#Not LGBTfriendly

Get Faith
Psalm 145:20  "The Lord watches over all who love him."  So, do you love the Lord?  Search deep and remember when you have told Him you love Him and have worshiped him in song and prayer.  He knows what is in your heart, do you?  Don't make Him dig so hard to find it - let loose and praise God with all your soul and voice and heart.  "Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow"! 

Get Fit
There are so many fitness and health locations on line that you can stimulate yourself with.  Get a plan.  Though summer is over - fall is a great time to beef up your work outs!  It is cooler and you are probably in the best shape of the year coming out of summer.  Join a gym or a class or get with a buddy to encourage your endeavor.  Keep a work out journal so that you feel guilty if you miss a day with nothing to write in your journal.  (that's my trick)  I worked out with the elastic bands today - abs, legs and arms!  You go!!!

On this day
1990 - I noted in my journal - Unseasonably cold and rainy.  Today this year we have unseasonably hot and humid.  Nicole was in kindergarten and I'm sure it was difficult to dress them for whatever weather was going on.  We are going  from hot weather last week to cold this week.  Ah fall, you gotta love it.

1709 - The creator of the first dictionary of the English language, Samuel Johnson, was born in England. You might not know this about me but I would love to have written the first dictionary.  Think about that!  lol

Papa New Guinea
Numerous Chinese have worked and lived in Papua New Guinea, establishing Chinese-majority communities. Chinese merchants became established in the islands before European exploration. Anti-Chinese rioting involving tens of thousands of people broke out in May 2009. The initial spark was a fight between ethnic Chinese and Papua New Guinean workers at a nickelfactory under construction by a Chinese company. Native resentment against Chinese ownership of numerous small businesses and their commercial monopoly in the islands led to the rioting. The Chinese have long been merchants in Papua New Guinea.[34][35] In the same year, Papua New Guinea asked various Southeast Asian nations for their support for Papua New Guinea's full membership bid in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Indonesia supported the bid after Papua New Guinea supported Indonesia's hold on West Papua. However, the Christian-majority Philippines and Buddhist-majority ThailandVietnam, and Cambodia have expressed displeasure over Papua New Guinea's anti-LGBT laws, stating that equality-friendly Timor-Leste would most likely be a more feasible ASEAN member state in the future.[36][37]  Interesting information if you are traveling.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Adele, David and Jackie!

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