Monday, September 3, 2018

September 3, 2018 Monday Labor Day#No separation#Cure leg cramps#Holiday weekend#Not a destination!

Get Faith
Romans 8:39  "Nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God..."   Maybe you already feel disconnected from God.  Do you believe that if you ignore Him, He will just go away?  Or maybe you just don't believe He is real.  My telling you will not make it so, but I do want to know why you would separate yourself from the comfort and hope that those of us who do believe -have.  Why would you insist that there is no afterlife when you have lost someone so dear to you and your heart has broken?  Why would you cut yourself off from knowing that there is greater purpose to your life and your loves then this maybe 100 years or so can offer?  Do you prefer the solitude of nothing beyond this because you are afraid of hell? I understand your resolve but question your reasoning.  I repeat "Nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God"

Get Fit
So while I am still here I try to stay healthy.  I did the dancers legs exercises today, I will be on my feet for the next week, working so I thought I better prepare.  I know the leg cramps will be back.  When I stand on my feet all day I can depend on the charley horses or leg cramps waking me up in the night.  I take Magnesium every day, I have tried pickle juice, and lately the tonic water has been working.  But they return.  The other night I took two Aleve before going to bed and that worked but I have found nothing is a cure.  I took nothing in addition to the magnesium last night and did not have the cramps but I know they will be back.  Maybe it was the very good Scotch that my friend Jeff gave me after dinner last night.  Anybody else have something to try?  Let me know.

On this day
1972  Today is my Grandmothers birthday - well it would have been and she would be 133 today, but she died in 1980 at the age of 95 or so, she had a different way of deciphering age than we do. I was very close to her, loved her a lot and went to my cousin Helen and Larry's house to see her on this day.  It was the Sunday of Labor Day weekend and being 24 I hit all the picnics and parties.  When I left my grandma I went to Chris and Steve's house for a garden party and noted it was "lovely."  There were a lot of people from work and Steve's family.  We played volley ball and I noticed Soren was paying too much attention to me.  (He was the young man from Denmark looking for a wife so he could stay here.)  So after that I went out with Waynette for a few drinks at  Belanger House.  We met a "Polish fellow" that had escaped and arrived here a year ago.  Quite a day I think!

1189 - England's King Richard I was crowned in Westminster. Richard the Lionhearted was not a nice guy, but nice looking.

Wabag Papa new Guinea

Wabag today[edit]

There is a dense rural population and coffee and pyrethrum are widely grown in food gardens as cash crops though depredations during tribal fights and difficulties in marketing have inhibited the development of a significant commercial agriculture sector and in any case it is Mount Hagen, not Wabag, that is the commercial metropole. Law and order problems, considerable violent crime and chronic house break-ins have continue to compromise the amenity of town life.[3] A fine public library established by the Australian administration immediately before Independence in 1975 is long since dispersed, book pages being desirable for rolling cigarettes and reading books not having taken hold. The Enga Provincial Government buildings have been burned to the ground more than once. The original airstrip is closed but Air Niugini run regular flights to Port Moresby from Wapenamanda Airport about 40 minutes away by road  
Wow this is a country I have to say I'm glad we are visiting on the web.  Whew.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Gram (RIP), Judy 

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