Sunday, September 9, 2018

September 9, 2018 Sunday#Strength in God

Get Faith
Isaiah 40:31  "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."  This verse I have committed to memory.  After my lung cancer surgery I believed that I would be permanently less healthy and strong than I was before.  I am not.  I still have the strength and ability I had before the surgery and hope to find ways to serve my God in thanks.

Get fit
Keeping your health and stamina going through exercise and healthy eating allows you to keep up a life style that keeps you happy and fulfilled.  The extra oxygen and nutrients keep the brain energized and the heart pumping.  It is a great way to also avoid depression.  Do yourself a favor!

On this day
1984  - I thought I had been pregnant but on this day I thought I had miscarried.  I took it easy all day and wondered if I would have a baby and if this was my last chance.  I was 37, Mark and I had just been married in April and our lifestyle was questionable for raising kids.  He had a son, Aaron from a previous marriage and we had been spending a lot of time with him. He was 6 and I really enjoyed having him with us.  So that day was a day of mixed emotions.  We never know what God has planned for us.

1984 - Walter Payton of the Chicago Bears broke Jim Brown’s combined yardage record when he reached 15,517 yards. 

Papa New Guinea
Although by the late 20th century headhunting and cannibalism had been practically eradicated, in the past they were practised in many parts of the country as part of rituals related to warfare and taking in enemy spirits or powers.[23][24] In 1901, on Goaribari Island in the Gulf of Papua, missionary Harry Dauncey found 10,000 skulls in the island's long houses, a demonstration of past practices.[25] According to Marianna Torgovnick, writing in 1991, "The most fully documented instances of cannibalism as a social institution come from New Guinea, where head-hunting and ritual cannibalism survived, in certain isolated areas, into the Fifties, Sixties, and Seventies, and still leave traces within certain social groups."[26]   Ok gang stay together!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!  Happy Birthday Rachel!

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