Saturday, September 29, 2018

September 29, 2018 Saturday#Humility#Get back on track#Sightless stargazing#1,000 cultural groups

Get Faith
Proverbs 15:33  "The fear of the Lord teaches a man wisdom, and humility comes before honor." 
Humility [N] [T] [E]
Biblical humility is grounded in the character of God. The Father stoops down to help the poor and needy ( Psalm 113:4-9138:6-7 ); the incarnate Son exhibits humility from the manger to the cross ( Matt 11:29 ; Acts 8:32-33 ; Php 2:5-8 ). The dual usage of "meek" (Gk. praus [prau?"]) and "humble (tapeinos [tapeinov"] "low") in heart" in Matthew 11:29 emphasizes Christ's humility before humankind, whom he came to serve ( Matt 20:28 ; Mark 10:45 ; Luke 22:27 ) and his submission before God. Humility and meekness are often inseparable ( 2 Col 10:1 ; Eph 4:2 ; Col 3:12 ).  I was lost for words on this so I found this.  I don't think I am typically a humble person so I thought this might help.
Get Fit
Amidst doctor appointments, tests and resting I'm hoping to get my energy level back up to normal.  I started this morning with Pilates - legs, arms and abs so we will see how this goes.  I understand how people get sucked into being a couch potato, feeling like they can never get moving again.  It takes a lot of effort but it is worth it - start slow if you need to - but START.  (That's what I told myself)

On this day
2007  I was up at Fitzpatrick's this weekend and hard at work to clean house and take care of the cats before Bob got out of bed.  He kept really late hours and then slept in.  I would wake up in the middle of the night and hear something out side.  When I looked out the window he would be out there in his pajamas with a housecoat or in the winter topped with a heavy work coat and boots over his pajama's.  His dog Chico was on a line that was maybe 50 feet long and the dog and cats would wander back and forth across the yard - together, while Bob blindly gazed upward, listening.  I feared for him when during the week he was home alone.  He was a large man with big hands and strong, even in his 80's.  He had been a concrete cutter in his lifetime and had done well for himself.  I always wondered what went through his head while he was standing out there blind, in the dark, him a 10 lb dog and 20 cats.  RIP Bob.
1829 - The first public appearance by London's re-organized police force was met with jeers from political opponents. The force became known as Scotland Yard. 

Papa New Guinea


Bilum bag from Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province
A resident of Boga-Boga, a village on the southeast coast of mainland Papua New Guinea
A 20th-century wooden Abelam ancestor figure (nggwalndu)
It is estimated that more than a thousand cultural groups exist in Papua New Guinea. Because of this diversity, many styles of cultural expression have emerged. Each group has created its own expressive forms in art, dance, weaponry, costumes, singing, music, architecture and much more.
Most of these cultural groups have their own language. People typically live in villages that rely on subsistence farming. In some areas people hunt and collect wild plants (such as yam roots) to supplement their diets. Those who become skilled at hunting, farming and fishing earn a great deal of respect.
On the Sepik river, there is a tradition of wood carving, often in the form of plants or animals, representing ancestor spirits.
Seashells are no longer the currency of Papua New Guinea, as they were in some regions—sea shells were abolished as currency in 1933. This tradition is still present in local customs. In some cultures, to get a bride, a groom must bring a certain number of golden-edged clam shells[95] as a bride price. In other regions, the bride price is paid in lengths of shell money, pigs, cassowaries or cash. Elsewhere, it is brides who traditionally pay a dowry.
People of the highlands engage in colourful local rituals that are called "sing sings". They paint themselves and dress up with featherspearls and animal skins to represent birds, trees or mountain spirits. Sometimes an important event, such as a legendary battle, is enacted at such a musical festival.
The country possesses one (1) UNESCO World Heritage site, namely, Kuk Early Agricultural Site, which was inscribed in 2008. The country, however, has no elements inscribed yet in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists, despite having one of the widest array of intangible cultural heritage elements in the world.[96][97]

An interesting place, primitive and colorful.  I can't say I would 
physically want to spend time there but I have learned a lot about the diversity of their country.  Tomorrow I will  move us to a new location.  Hope you have enjoyed the information.

Enjoy the day!   Make it memorable!!
Happy Birthday to Mary, Robbin, Bev, Allison and Michael!

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