Thursday, September 27, 2018

September 27, 2018 Thursday #Prayer#Hold on#Population explosion!

Get Faith
Psalm 116:13  "I will take up the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord."  I have learned to include prayers in everyday of my life to start the day but, when life happens and things are not going as well, of course, prayer multiplies.  I am sure God is used to only hearing from us when things go bad - it has been that way since the beginning.  In reading the Bible - now I'm in Judges when it was always a war with neighbors.  It tells of hundreds of thousands that lost their lives in these wars and then goes on to say that a man that survived the war had 30 sons and 60 grandsons.  The population has to be replenished.  It hasn't changed, except for the 30 sons - because most men have one or two wives that bare them children in their lifetime now.  I call upon the name of the Lord for peace - but it is too late for so many.

On this day
2006  Nicole was off at Albion college and I was still the Director of the Board of Youth and the youth leader.  On this night it was youth group - down in the beautiful new youth room in the new section of church.  In hindsight - the old youth room in the old section with Bruce as the leader was so much more successful but, I held it together for years waiting for Nicole to come back home and pick it up again - which she did.  Life goes through changes and the world keeps turning.  As in exercising, do what you can.

1779 - John Adams was elected to negotiate with the British over the American Revolutionary War peace terms. It's not over till it's over, right?

Papa New Guinea


Huli wigman from the Southern Highlands
Papua New Guinea is one of the most heterogeneous nations in the world.[78] There are hundreds of ethnic groups indigenous to Papua New Guinea, the majority being from the group known as Papuans, whose ancestors arrived in the New Guinea region tens of thousands of years ago. The other indigenous peoples are Austronesians, their ancestors having arrived in the region less than four thousand years ago.
There are also numerous people from other parts of the world now resident, including Chinese,[79] Europeans, Australians, Indonesians, Filipinos, Polynesians, and Micronesians (the last four belonging to the Austronesian family). Around 40,000 expatriates, mostly from Australia and China, were living in Papua New Guinea in 1975.[80]

No mention of Americans here.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Tony M.!

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