Saturday, December 31, 2016

December 31, 2016 Saturday New Years Eve! #savedbyrest#savedforthefuture#savedanotheryear#saveonheat

Get fit
Abdominal Corset, Gravity Drop, Alternating overhead press, Warrior, squat and plank.  Ok to start the day!  I know we won't be working out tomorrow!  Sunday is a day of rest. Saved by the third commandment.

Get Faith
2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2  This from Paul. vs6:2 "I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation."  Today the last day of the year is a perfect time to recognize Jesus Christ as your Savior.  Think of it as a Saving - much like putting a deposit in your retirement account before year end.  You won't be sorry.  Saved for the future!

On this day
1981 My friend Linda and I had plans to go out on the town but cancelled because of freezing rain.  My neighbor came over and invited me to a party at their house, but I declined.  I occasionally made good choices in those days!  What ever you do tonight, be safe! so you can be here for the New Year. Saved for another year.

1695 - The window tax was imposed in Britain, which resulted in many windows being bricked up. Can't see through that tax!  Save on heat though!

Pack up and buy those last minute gifts we are leaving for a new destination.  Enjoy New Years eve in Victoria Falls!

new year's eve in zimbabwe

New Year's eve is always massive on the Party calendar. Christmas is over and everyone is ready to blow off some 2016 steam! Below is our guide to NYE events in Zimbabwe...
Remember, New Year's Eve events are usually very popular so we advise buying tickets early! We charge no handling fees our tickets so we guaurantee the lowest online price! Celebrate the New Year in style!
View the main New years eve Zimbabwe page or perhaps a hotel in Zimbabwe for New Year?  Enjoy!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!   Happy Birthday Kathy G!

Friday, December 30, 2016

December 30, 2016 Friday #relax#pray#behealthy#family#worship!BeKind!

Get Fit
Did a nice stretching video.  After laying around ill for the week it felt good to warm up the muscles.
Be kind to yourself.

Get Faith
Matthew 14:13-23  When reading this it seems the main issue is the healing of the sick and the feeding of the 5,000 but this study writer brings our awareness to taking time out.  The importance of making time to be with God in solitude.  Quietly.  It mentions that Jesus tried once but was overwhelmed by the needs of those around Him, but after that He went up to the mountain to be alone and pray.  Jesus needed this and took the time in his most important days of life.  We should too.  Be kind to yourself.

On this day
1980 - I went into work late and left early.  In big letters it said allergies!  This is the first time I remember seeing acknowledgement of that malady.  I always believed I was sick with bronchitis etc,. and I did have those too, but now I know that most of my problems have been allergies.  What about you?  Nicole and I both take a 24 hour allergy pill every day.  I'm also diligent about allergens so I vacuum, dust and change bed linens every week.  I'd like to wash the cat but that is not an option.  I also drink a lot of water.  How do you handle seasonal allergies?  Be kind to yourself!

1980 - "The Wonderful World of Disney" was cancelled by NBC after more than 25 years on the TV. It was the longest-running series in prime-time television history. 
Disney movies, music and books It was a shame, now what do we consider family TV?  Watch those old Disney movies!  Be kind to your family!

Zimbabwe entertainment  Watch this worship addict video!  This covers much of the above!  Be kind to one another!  Worship!  (Takesure Zama Ncube)

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Thursday, December 29, 2016

December 29, 2016 Thursday #eathealthy#Godisgood#foodprep#help!Zimbabwe

Get Fit
Lost 5 lbs in two days.  Food poisoning I think.  Remember eating healthy is a big part of being healthy.  Be careful what you eat.

Get Faith
Haggai 2:15-23.  I had a difficult time with this passage for two reasons.  First I am a Christian and released from the law and saved by grace.  So I read back to the beginning of the passage and read something that struck me.  God gives good laws!  After having food poisoning for two days, how to handle food laws meant a lot, especially in those days.  God looks out for us and in my case, reminds me what happens when food is not properly handled.  Huh.  God is good!

On this day
1979  Mom and I set up a big table and made food for 11 people.  Mom and Bob went in to town for more of whatever we needed and I continued on with preparation.  I found out long ago, I love cooking for people and I have gotten better as years go on.  These were all of Mom and Bob's friends from up in Gaylord.  In all my days I have never had anyone tell me they got food poisoning from my food.  whew.

1997 - Hong Kong began killing 1.25 million chickens, the entire population, for fear of the spread of 'bird flu.'  ummm...another good reason to pay attention to food handling.

Zimbabwe Food

What are the current issues in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is a low-income, food deficit country, ranked at 156 out of 187 on the 2014 UNDP Human Development Index. Currently, 72 percent of the population live below the national poverty line (living on less than USD 1.25 per day). Thirty percent of the rural poor are considered to be ‘food poor’, or ‘extremely poor’. Food and nutrition security remain fragile and subject to natural and economic shocks in Zimbabwe, chronic undernutrition remains relatively high, despite some improvements. Dietary diversity is generally poor and consumption of protein is insufficient. Only 11 percent of Zimbabwean children 6-23 months receive a minimum acceptable diet. One-third of Zimbabwe’s children are stunted, or short for their age.  Please go to this site and be educated in what this country's situation is.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Tia! 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

December 27, 2016 Tuesday #daily#Sharethestory#Atlasshrugged#wine#samesame

Get Fit
Go to daily exercise on your computer and see what programs come up that look good to you.  There are a million things, find one that suits your needs.  Don't get bored, or maybe your routine works for you!

Get Faith
2 Peter 1:12-21  This was Peter's message to the other disciples and us as well.  Repeat these stories and memories of Christ to others - so that you remember them and they hear them.  Repeat them often.  It makes more sense to me the more often I read the stories.  I Love to Share the Story.

On this day  (reprint from last year)

1978 - My friend Tatjiana, Pete's mom, gave me a book to read.  It is a long read.  It taught me that the true spirit of man is his honesty and integrity to himself and others.  It taught me that you can't make someone something they are not.  It taught me that people don't benefit from having more given to them and done for them.  It taught me that when you cut back on expectations you will always get less.  The book is Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.  It is my all time favorite book well, beside the Bible.
I reprinted this because last night I had dinner with two friends that are extreme liberals and this is considered an anti-liberal book.  I don't think it is.  Tim and I discussed this book.

 1703 - The Methuen Treaty was signed between Portugal and England, giving preference to the import of Portuguese wines into England. Wow! over France?


People and Society, Social Issues and Social Services

Zimbabwe's white population still lives very much aloof from the African majority, and there is relatively little social mixing. The government has promised since independence to redistribute white farmland to landless African peasants but has yet to do so. The issue of land reform therefore is a source of tension between the races. Zimbabwe's biggest social problems are youth unemployment and the spread of AIDS, which became an epidemic in the 1990s. In 1999 it was estimated that 1.5 million people in Zimbabwe, or 25 percent of people over the age of 15, were infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS. The growing number of people who contract AIDS causes increased costs to medical and social services as well as to education and training programs. In response to the epidemic, the government launched a campaign to educate people about the causes of AIDS and to encourage them to take steps to prevent its spread. Fees are charged for health care, which absorbs 5 percent of government expenditure. A national social security program, including pensions, was introduced in 1994.  Different country same problems.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Alison!

Monday, December 26, 2016

December 26, 2016 Monday#Fitbit#Peace#Starwars#radium#healthaid

Get Fit
My daughter gave me a new fitbit.  I had one for years and then it went to fitbit heaven, so now I have a new one!  Today it will be bored except for walking back and forth to do laundry.  Oh!  going out for dinner tonight!  (Not good considering the pounds put on this weekend!  C'mon folks we can undo this!!

Get Faith
Luke 2:25-38  Some people were putting off dying to see the Savior.  Simeon would not die until he saw the promised salvation.  When the baby was brought into the temple Simeon said "Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant in peace."  Now after Christmas we can surely have the peace that the child brought us, can't we?

On this day
1977 - Day after Christmas, Pete and I went to the movies and saw "STAR WARS"  I think this was the first one and can't help realize how much this movie has started in revenue of many types.  What star war toys and clothes, etc have you purchased over the years?  I"m sure we had no idea at the time what this was the beginning of.  Wow.

1898 - Marie and Pierre Curie discovered radium. This was a blessing and a curse.


Poverty & Healthcare

Modern & traditional healers

Provision of basic health care services is patchy in Zimbabwe. Medical facilities have particularly suffered from a shortage of drugs, though recently hospitals have been reporting better medicine stocks again.
A lack of trained medical staff remains a significant problem. Many health professionals have left the country to find better salaries and working conditions elsewhere.
  • Girl in Bindura looking through an opened window
  •  Make a resolution to reach out to all
     people of the world in aid and prayer.  Let's make next year a better year for everyone!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Saturday, December 24, 2016

December 24, 2016 Saturday#ChristmasEve#enjoyfamily

Get Fit
I have a house full of company so exercising is tough.  Just remember today when you are enjoying the holiday fare of cookies and candies - visit the vegetable tray!

Get Faith
Isaiah 9:1-7  This prophetic writing: vs8 "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."  On this night the light will be born and we no longer walk in darkness.  Praise God for this holiest of gifts.

On this day
1976 - I had made stockings for everyone this year.  My sister in law was pregnant with Merri, due in February.  I made her stocking with a big lump in it.  That was the last time I gave stockings for Christmas because I found out how expensive it is.  It was a lot of fun and I noticed how much Bob, Mom's husband enjoyed his stocking.  He had been raised by an Aunt and Uncle in Bay City on the farm and never been married.  He hadn't had a Christmas like the ones we shared.  How about your family?  Do you go all out? or do you keep it calm and serene?  What ever you do, enjoy!

1814 - The War of 1812 between the U.S. and Britain was ended with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent in Belgium. Great Christmas gift for our country, but why in Belgium?  And, wasn't this the same time we were in at war in New Orleans?  Same war?  I need to study some history.

Zimbabwe Christmas
Over the last decade Zimbabwe has had many changes, please see the Zimbabwe Country profile at BBC News and Zimbabwe Situation for more information. This is a short video about Christmas being better in 2009 in Zimbabwe  Interesting to go to this site and see all the celebrations around the world!  Merry Christmas

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Pastor Julie!

Friday, December 23, 2016

December 23, 2016 Friday#stayfit#PraisetheLord#bowling#DC#fieldhockey!

Get Fit
Don't give up!  Keep exercising through the holidays!  I know everyone decides to start a new work out program as a New Year resolution, but how about a warm up?

Get Faith
Psalm 103 - This is my favorite psalm and want it read at my funeral.  It speaks to me and tells of my life with God.  vs 2 "Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits."  He has healed me many times and restored my youth over and over to keep me in the faith.  I hope to continue doing for Him as He has done for me.  Praise the Lord, oh my soul.

On this day
2014  Two years ago I still had Mom at home.  Nicole and I went to the Fulex Christmas party at the bowling alley on Jefferson.  We ate and drank and then, most of them bowled.  Fun night.  Every year offers something different - enjoy what ever you do!  Party responsibly.

1788 - Maryland voted to cede a 100-square-mile area for the seat of the national government. About two-thirds of the area became the District of Columbia. I wonder if this includes a financial stipend for them or if they in fact regret this.

Zimbabwe sports
Sport in Zimbabwe has a long tradition and has produced many world recognized sports names and personalities. Football is the most popular sport, although rugby unioncricket and netball also have a following, traditionally among the white minority. Field hockey is also played widely. Although Zimbabwe played hockey field competed for Zimbabwe, there are also a large number of athletes who learned their sport in Zimbabwe, but have chosen to represent other countries.  Because they would stand a better chance of going professional?  I wonder - money over national pride.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Scott V.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

December 22, 2016 Thursday#enjoy!#beaChristian#share#Peace#change!

Get Fit
Here comes the holidays and all the calories they offer.  I know I'm trying to consider fresh foods rather than a lot of high calorie foods for my hostessing.  It just seems like the best foods are fried and heavily sauces.  Well go ahead!  We can lose it later, right?

Get Faith
1 Peter 3:8-16  "vs 15 "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."  In reading this you have to make your joy and hope apparent so that they ask.  Your life IS your message. Be a Christian!

On this day
2013  It was a Sunday, before Christmas.  I like when the holiday falls in the middle of the week it gives you extra days to celebrate, like this year.  I had friends Monna, LLoyd, their son and one of Nicole's best friend Jameson and his wife Liz and their four kids - Lucas, Savannah, Aubry and Abel over for dinner and celebrating.  We will still have to find time to share with them - maybe New Year's weekend if Nicole is home a day.   As families expand and move it is harder to make those times happen.  How are your plans coming?  Missing some people this year?  I am. sniff.

1864 - During the American Civil War, Union Gen. William T. Sherman sent a message to U.S. President Lincoln from Georgia. The message read, "I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the city of Savannah." This caught my eye for a couple reasons - first I'm not sure it is a good message of Christianity and of course the name Savannah.  Although the war was for a good reason, let us pray for peace.

Victoria Falls Zimbabwe  People and Society, Social Issues and Social Services
Zimbabwe's white population still lives very much aloof from the African majority, and there is relatively little social mixing. The government has promised since independence to redistribute white farmland to landless African peasants but has yet to do so. The issue of land reform therefore is a source of tension between the races. Zimbabwe's biggest social problems are youth unemployment and the spread of AIDS, which became an epidemic in the 1990s. In 1999 it was estimated that 1.5 million people in Zimbabwe, or 25 percent of people over the age of 15, were infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS. The growing number of people who contract AIDS causes increased costs to medical and social services as well as to education and training programs. In response to the epidemic, the government launched a campaign to educate people about the causes of AIDS and to encourage them to take steps to prevent its spread. Fees are charged for health care, which absorbs 5 percent of government expenditure. A national social security program, including pensions, was introduced in 1994.  Being a primarily Christian nation this is hard to comprehend.  Your life is your message.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Chris and Ron!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

December 21, 2016 Wednesday #nuts!#Moses#ThanksMary#noKmart#Zimbabalooba!

Get Fit
Ballet - I tried out for the Nutcracker, but only got the part of the nut.  JK

Get Faith
Exodus 1:22-2:10  The birth of a different baby boy, Moses.  His mother also saw something special in her child and arranged for him to be raised by the Egyptian princess because as a Hebrew boy he would be killed by Pharaoh.  Sound familiar?  He was also a savior to the Hebrews when he led them from slavery to the promised land.  Well not quickly, but eventually.  Two births with mothers sacrificing their babies, knowing their fate.  Thank God for mothers that listen to God and give their children to the faith.  We are blessed by Mary's heroic life and her sacrifice for our Savior.  Thank God for Mary.

On this day
2011 This is a rough time of year for a lot of people.  This year my brother had a heart attack and was in the hospital.  My friend Pam called and said her father was in the hospital.  It is always bad when you get this news, but at Christmas it seems worse.  I feel like we are so busy, so in contact with many people and the germs, we neglect caring for those around us and specifically ourselves.  I'm pretty sure this is not what Christmas is supposed to be.  Do you think we can change?  Are you one of those people that take the holidays in stride?  Is it just a woman thing?  oops, sorry gotta go to the doctor.

1620 - The "Mayflower", and its passengers, pilgrims from England, landed at Plymouth Rock, MA. Can you imagine this?  Not even a Kmart to shop at!  

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe shopping

Victoria Falls  This looks like a great place to shop today!!  says they have funky clothes!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Christy R!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

December 20, 2016 Tuesday #furnacerepair#Joy!#WhiteChristmas#Grimm#celebrate!

Get Fit
Did some aerobics and weights with the WW girls and then the furnace guy came and he was a (little) out of shape so I had to climb up and open the ceiling for him to shine his light in the attic at my pipe that has water running down. Good thing I am in shape to climb and lift ceiling boards.

Get Faith
John 16:16-24  Grief will turn to joy.  Jesus tells his disciples that they will not see Him for a while and then they will see him again.  They didn't understand, so, don't feel bad if you  don't either.  He was referring to his dying on the cross and then being risen to life again.  THEN, he will come back on the day of resurrection for His followers.  That joy is what Christians carry with them everyday and share with everyone they meet.  If people ask you what makes you so happy - tell them He will come back - that baby born to us, that brought joy on our Christmas, will be back for us. Joy to the world.

On this day
2009  - Mom and I went to Bible Study and then to the 11:00 service at church.  The children were doing their Christmas program and Nicole was playing the music for the program on her guitar.  The kids have always been drawn to Nicole, her happy spirit and enthusiasm has always made her a great pied piper.  A good thing at church these days.  It also said I shoveled a couple times so there must have been snow.  Looks like we will have a white Christmas, how do you like that?

1812 - Grimms Fairy Tales was published - great classic book gift, but a little "grim".

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

 Christmas in Zimbabwe 

For most people in Zimbabwe, Christmas day starts with a Church service. After the Church service, everyone has a party in their homes and people go from house to house, visiting all of their family and friends on the way home! Sometimes, this can take all of the rest of the day! At every house you have something to eat, exchange presents and enjoy the party.
A lot of people get their biggest stereo speakers out and put them out side the front of the house and play their favorite music very loudly! It is not only Christmas music that is played, but also the latest pop tunes and old African favorites.
Everyone wears their best clothes for Christmas, as for some families the only new clothes they get every year are for Christmas. The parties are a good place to show off their new clothes.
Children in Zimbabwe believe that Santa Claus brings them there presents early on Christmas Day, ready to show their friends at Church and at the parties.
Only the main room in the house is often decorated in Zimbabwe. Some Zimbabweans have a traditional 'European' Christmas Tree, but they decorate the room with plants like Ivy. This is draped around the whole of the top of room.
Christmas Carols are sung during the Christmas Day morning service and in services leading up to Christmas. There are also sometimes Carols by Candlelight Services in city parks
This sounds very familiar!!!  

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  .

Monday, December 19, 2016

December 19, 2016 Monday #nopuking#PeaceoftheLord#recap#bailout#Christians

Get Fit
A message to my cat.  When I have gone to the trouble of feeding you and setting up my exercise area and dressed in my workout gear -- please, do not bring your breakfast back up for me in the middle of my dance space.  Rug cleaning is not my choice of aerobics today.  But thanks.

Get Faith
Jonah 3:10-4:11  This is about God's dominion over Israel and all the earth.  It tells of His plan for the future.  Did they listen and accept?  You decide.  In the meantime note vs 4:5  "All the nations may walk in the name of their gods,  but we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever." I read acceptance and peace in this.  The peace of the Lord be with you.

On this day
2008 - journal entry - "boss called 7 AM don't come in  SNOW 12" shoveled all day  wrote Christmas cards  shoveled - e mail  to Chris A, Waynette and Lindsey - Al Called (neighbor)  Monna over.  Mom and I had dinner  made ginger bread cookies - Andy called  Ty cleared rest of snow (neighbor)  TXT Nicole sent Christmas card to Red & Maryann."  That is how my entries look, a mix match of information and memories.  Have to love a snow day this close to Christmas!

2008 - U.S. President George W. Bush signed a $17.4 billion rescue package of loans for ailing auto makers General Motors and Chrysler. I had this wrong, thought it was Obama.

Zimbabwe religion
Christianity is the dominant religion in Zimbabwe.[2] An estimated 76 percent of Zimbabweans belong to Protestant Christianity, and 87 percent of 12.5 million Zimbabweans follow one of the denominations of Christianity.[1]
Christian denominations in Zimbabwe with significant number of faithfuls include the Roman CatholicismAnglicanismBaptistsLutheranism and Methodism; however, over the years a variety of indigenous Christian denominations have emerged.[3] Charismatic Evangelical denominations, primarily Pentecostal churches and apostolic churches were the fastest growing religious classifications in the years 2000 to 2009.[3]
Traditional religions are followed by about four percent, and unspecified and none eight percent. The other major religions of the world such as Islam (0.9%), Buddhism (<0.1%), Hinduism (<0.1%) and Judaism (<0.1%) each have a niche presence. While the country is majority Christian, most people practice, to varying degrees, elements of the indigenous religions as well.[3] Religious leaders also reported an increase in adherence to traditional religion and shamanic healers.[3]
Zimbabwe constitution allows the freedom of religion. Foreign missionary groups are present in the country.[3]
  Love to see Christmas service here!
Church in Harare, Zimbabwe

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Sunday, December 18, 2016

December 18, 2016 Sunday #Jesuswho?#changes#deadtrees#rulings

Get Faith
Matthew 16:13-20  Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah.  "Who do you say that I am?"  That is the question you need to answer.  Who do YOU say that Jesus is.  If you don't believe as Peter did then you have more questions.  Why?  should come to mind for me.  Jesus didn't question those that said he was a prophet or John the Baptist, but to Peter he said "Blessed are you, "

On  this day
2006  Many things stayed the same, the cookie walk at church, caroling with the youth group and my boss was always crabby this time of year.  On the down side I thought it was because he had to spend money on his family and employees.  The older he got the stingier he got.  I also considered it was a reminder that because he spent so little "time" with his family it appeared the only time he saw them was when it cost him money.   The things that have changed are my neighbors, quite a few have moved away. There are great things that have changed as well.  Keep your mind on the good changes in your life this Christmas!

1796 - The "Monitor," of Baltimore, MD, was published as the first Sunday newspaper. I wonder if it was full of holiday advertising?

Zimbabwe politics

Political conditions[edit]

Since the defeat of the constitutional referendum in 2000, politics in Zimbabwe has been marked by a move from the norms of democratic governance, such as democratic elections, the independence of the judiciary, the rule of law, freedom from racial discrimination, the existence of independent media, civil society and academia. Recent years have seen widespread violations of human rights.
Elections have been marked by political violence and intimidation, along with the politicisation of the judiciary, militarypolice force and public services.[3] Statements by the President and government politicians have referred to a state of war, or Chimurenga, against the opposition political parties, in particular the Movement for Democratic Change – Tsvangirai (MDC-T). Newspapers not aligned with the government have been closed down, members of the judiciary have been threatened and/or arrested. Repressive laws aimed at preventing freedoms of speech, assembly and association have been implemented and subjectively enforced. Members of the opposition are routinely arrested and harassed, with some subjected to torture or sentenced to jail. The legal system has come under increasing threat. The MDC has repeatedly attempted to use the legal system to challenge the ruling ZANU-PF, but the rulings, often in favour of the MDC, have not been taken into account by the police.[citation needed]  I wonder if we will get to this.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Dan and Dean!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

December 17, 2016 Saturday #armsandabs#saved#caroling#sports#music!

Get Fit
Arms and abs today, but I have limitations.  My wrists are not good for too much weight and my neck gets mad after a certain amount of sit ups.  Do what you can!  But keep doing!

Get Faith
Romans 3:21-26  Righteousness Through Faith.  Since the beginning with the Israelites God required sacrifices of doves, cattle, etc and lambs.    When God sent His son to us and made the final sacrifice of Jesus the lamb for OUR sins we became forgiven.  You just have to believe in Christ, his teachings, the kind things He did to be an example to us.  You must believe that he was sacrificed, died on the cross and was buried with the dead.  You need to remember that he was raised back to life on the third day by OUR God so that we too can be saved and raised back to life in God's kingdom.  The Gospel.  Good news!

On this day
2000 - One of my favorite memories of all the years I was involved with the youth group at church was Christmas caroling.  On some occasions we went to seniors homes and they would provide cookies and hot chocolate, candy and whatever else they could offer to lure us into a longer stay.  Our farewell song was always "We wish you a Merry Christmas."  Go caroling to someone that could use a lift this year - the rehabs and senior living facilities are usually open to this!

2000 - Terrell Owens (San Francisco 49ers) caught an NFL-record 20 passes for 283 yards and a touchdown against the Chicago Bears. The previous record was held by Tom Fears (Los Angeles Rams) with 18 catches on December 3, 1950, against the Green Bay Packers. Owens also broke Jerry Rice's franchise record of 16 receptions set in 1994 against the Los Angeles Rams. Here you go sport fans or Jeopardy fans!

Victoria Falls Zimbabwe music


The history of Zimbabwe’s music is an epic story that surely deserves mention in our country’s history books. Over the years, despite providing entertainment, music has been playing a critical role in shaping society...  This looks especially interesting!  Go to Zimbabwe music and listen to some tunes!  Great!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Friday, December 16, 2016

December 16, 2016 Friday #Relax#Godisgood#diesel#earthchange#Craton!

Get Fit
Such a stressful time of year, when it shouldn't be at all.  Take some time for yourself.  A hot bath, yoga, meditate, or whatever you find relaxing.  Maybe read a book.  I believe relaxation is a huge part of being fit.  Be kind to yourself.  How about a favorite Christmas movie?  We watched Scrooged the other night.

Get Faith
Jeremiah 7:1-11  As I read this passage telling us that we should listen to the word of the Lord, I am reminded that He will not punish us for our sins - we do that ourselves.  If we don't spend time with God - WE separate ourselves from His love, comfort and healing.  If we don't care for the homeless, the criminals and the forgotten - we have to live with their troubles and problems and all that comes from ignoring those who need our help.  God is good, he tries to point us in the right direction.  He does not want anyone to suffer.

On this day
1999 My boss had leased a car for myself and Christine in 1996.  When his son and Christine left the business she left her car.  It was a thorn in my bosses side I believe.  On this day the boss asked me for the keys to my car and turned them both in.  He offered me an old 1980 diesel Oldsmobile to drive with the bonus of filling the gas tank up in the yard all the time.  I called Mom to pick me up.  Not to be ungracious, but, later I did take the car but within a week my garage was filled with soot.

1999 - Torrential rains and mudslides in Venezuela left thousands of people dead and forced at least 120,000 to leave their homes.  I believe our earth home will continue to change with earthquakes, floods, mudslides and droughts.  We need to pay attention when there  is continued warnings, as in California.  

Victoria Falls Zimbabwe

The geology of Zimbabwe in southern Africa is centred on the Zimbabwe Craton, a core of Archean basement composed in the main of granitoidsschist and gneisses. It also incorporates greenstone belts comprising mafic, ultramafic and felsic volcanics which are associated with epiclastic sediments and iron formations. The craton is overlain in the north, northwest and east by Proterozoic and Phanerozoic sedimentary basins whilst to the northwest are the rocks of the Magondi Supergroup.[1] Northwards is the Zambezi Belt and to the east the Mozambique Belt. South of the Zimbabwe Craton is the Kaapval Craton separated from it by the Limpopo Mobile Belt, a zone of deformation and metamorphism reflecting geological events from Archean to Mesoproterozoic times. The Zimbabwe Craton is intruded by an elongate ultramafic/mafic igneous complex known as the Great Dyke which runs for more than 500 km along a SSW/NNE oriented graben. It consists of peridotitespyroxenitesnorites and bands of chromitite.[2]  sounds stable.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Annie!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

December 15, 2016 Thursday #Energy!#Faithfordeath#dinnerout#Zimbabwevirturallybetter

Get Fit
Did a little Disco with Richard this morning, trying to fool myself into some energy I'm not really feeling.  This cold weather is telling this old person to go south.  Enough of that.

Get Faith
! Thessalonians 4:13-18  This is about Believers Who Have Died. It tells us that because Jesus was raised from the dead so shall we be.  The study writer adds "We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord." 2 Corinthians 5:8  I am not afraid of death, because of my faith but I worry terribly about the mess I leave behind.

On this day
I missed a lot of entries on this date over the years.  I would guess because of how busy we are and how tired I would get working full time, being fully involved with school and church, plue getting ready for Christmas.  Very often, I would be sick - mostly from stress.  One thing I don't miss doing, ever, is dinner with the cousins and friends.  1998 - Kay, Kathy, Waynette, Barb, Norma and I went to the Channel Marker for dinner.  This was before Kay and Kathy began leaving for Florida in September. Make time for your friends and take a break!  (oh, Nicole and Grandma went to Sweden House)

1654 - A meteorological office established in Tuscany began recording daily temperature readings. I would actually find this interesting.

Victoria Falls Zimbabwe
Here is the weather today in Victoria Falls:  74 and sunny.  Now do you want to go?

Up until about 10 years ago Zimbabwe was by the far the most popular country to visit the Victoria Falls from. There are plenty of luxury hotels and the infrastructure is good. You can walk to the falls from town along well marked paths and the view is certainly the best from this side because you can stand opposite the falls and see them head on.
But, the political situation in Zimbabwe has meant that tourists are opting to visit the falls from the Zambian side. In 2006, hotel occupancy on the Zimbabwean side hovered at around 30%, while the Zambian side was at near-capacity. As of 2011, Zimbabwe's lodges are filling up, running smoothly, the town is safe and you get much better value on accommodation than on the Zambian side.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

December 14, 2016 Wednesday #eatfresh#Share#shop#Popereleased#Mapopo!

Get Fit
Richard and I and the resistance band.  Don't forget to eat fresh!  Today I will be baking cookies, as many of us will.  It is hard to not eat the holiday treats so when you do go out to eat or make dinner select the protein and fresh vegetables instead of fried food and sauce covered entrees.  Just till the holidays are over to leave a little room for goodies.  Just sayin.

Get Faith
1 John 1 The Incarnation of the Word of Life  Jesus (being one with the father) has always been, since the beginning.  He came to this world as The Christ the man (still one with the father) to lead us in our lives and die for our sins to save us.  The disciples proclaim this message in the Gospels and we too are disciples that share the Gospel so that you can be with us in our belief.  The son returned to the father who he is still one with.  Vs 4 "We write this to make our joy complete."  Share the Gospel!

On this day
2000 Quote from journal, a typical pre Christmas day - "Cleaned, called Mom, Nicole to school, Mom and I - post office, Comcast, Edison, Sears to pick up photos, shopped,  Benders (chiropractor), Pick up framing, Pet Supplies and home - Pick up Nicole from Daisys."  Sound like your day?  Do not fret the short cold days of January (for us in Michigan) are coming and you can get some rest.  Maybe.

2000 - It was announced that American businessman Edmond Pope would be released from a Russian prison for humanitarian reasons. Pope had been sentenced to 20 years in prison after his conviction on espionage charges. Nice was this a Christmas gesture? 

Victoria Falls Zimbabwe cuisine
Mapopo (Papaya) Candy


  • 1 papaya (approximately 1 pound)
  • 2 cups sugar
  • Lemon peel, grated
  • ½ teaspoon mint, dried or fresh


  1. Peel the papaya and wash well. Slice into little strips.
  2. Place the papaya, mint, grated lemon and sugar over low heat until the sugar dissolves.
  3. Cook for 10 minutes, then set aside for half an hour.
  4. Reheat over medium heat until the mixture crystallizes.
  5. Remove from heat and, using a spoon and fork, mold into ball or stick shapes.

Read more:  something for the holidays!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Michelle, Daniel and Melanie!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

December 13, 2016 Tuesday #babysit#TrustinGod#babysit#stepdad#houseboat!

Get Fit
Was going to church to walk the gym but I got a call to visit Hudson and that takes priority.  Have to shop later so that will get some exercise in.

Get Faith
Nahum 1 vs 7  "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble.  He cares for those who trust in him."  It goes on to say what happens to those who don't - but for today let us remember that a God who sends his son to earth, born on Christmas, to save us from our sins - can certainly be trusted.  Trust in your God!

On this day
1987  I took Aaron, Nicole and Frankie to the Macomb Mall for pictures with Santa. (Do you see a pattern here?)  While we waited a lady with 3 kids asked if I would keep an eye on her kids in line (5-10) while she ran into a store.  ?  I did, all the while wondering if she would be back.  Maybe going today to get a picture, want to join Nicole and I?

PS.  Just a reminder Jesus had a step dad.

1987 - U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz told reporters in Copenhagen, Denmark, that the Reagan administration would begin making funding requests for the proposed Star Wars defense system. The movie? lol

Victoria Falls
Houseboat on Lake Kariba
This is a completely unique experience which you definitely must try when visiting Zimbabwe. Spend five days on a houseboat, parking every night in a different spot to view the game in the Matusadona National Park, allowing you to get very close to the wild life. Enjoy fishing off the small tender boats provided during the day, and then relax on your comfortable houseboat at night and enjoy the sunset and sounds of nature surrounding you!!  For more information on hiring houseboats, contact, and we recommend Kariba Catering to take care of all your food requirements  This sounds great!!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Beth!!!

Monday, December 12, 2016

December 12, 2016 Monday #workoutshovel#chooseGod#Santapics#musiclessons#Hike!

Get Fit
Worked out the legs, back and arms and then went out to get rid of 12" of snow in the driveway.  The snowblower is a blessing but it didn't like the heavy snow either.  And then there is the porch and other areas you have to do by hand or back or legs if you do it right!

Get Faith
Matthew 6:24  "No one can serve two masters.  Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.  You cannot serve both God and money." This is not anything anyone wants to talk about at this time of year especially - money being what we are so concerned about to purchase gifts and celebrate the holidays.  I have an arrangement with God - I asked Him to keep me close so he keeps me poor.  Heaven only knows what I would be if I had a lot of money.  I think back to those people in the bible that celebrated life, gave good things to their children and shared lavishly with their loved ones.  And I have read a lot of biblicals (?) that were generous to the poor and needy.  We do all these things at Christmas - so enjoy, I say, God wants you to be happy, just remember where YOU got it from.  Thank God!

On this day
1986  Such sweet memories of when the kids were little - Nicole a year and a half and Aaron would have been almost 9.  My mother in law and I took the kids to Macomb Mall to see Santa and do a little shopping.  We usually went to Lakeside but there was a Santa at Macomb that we usually took pictures with.  Make sure you take lots of pictures at the holidays, you will appreciate it later,  Loved Julie's picture of Emmit today!  Facebook those pictures to me!

1792 - In Vienna, 22-year-old Ludwig van Beethoven received one of his first lessons in music composition from Franz Joseph Haydn. Here is a great Christmas present for a child you know.

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Matobo National Park has always been a must Visit, it houses the very old gain bins believed to have been used by the bushman and the kalanga tribe, it houses the rock art painting, patterns of granite rocks and boulders, the mother and child rock, the weathering patterns have curved the rocks so beautiful that you might think it's man made stone work.The lodges in and around the park offer affordable rates. So natural is Matobo National Park.
Photo of Matobo National Park

Let's go hiking, this looks really interesting - go to Matobo National Park and see the many pics.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Olivia!  

Sunday, December 11, 2016

December 11, 2016 Sunday #fittoshovel#prayer#stoptraffickers#Baby#deficit/dealonTV#Masvingo

Get Fit
Just a reminder, if you are not fit, don't go out and shovel snow - it might be the last reminder you get to exercise more!

Get Faith
1 Kings 18:41-45  The power of prayer.  Elijah, the prophet, prayed hard and often to God to bring water to the drought in Israel that had lasted 3 1/2 years.  In this passage, while he prayed really hard he sent his servant to watch for clouds appearing.  His prayer was answered in God giving him a miracle in sending rain.  Elijah was a human, like us, but he believed that God answers prayers and gives us miracles.  Believe.

Join me in a persistent and heart felt prayer for God to intervene in human trafficking everywhere in our world.  Please.

On this day
1985 - My entry starts with "slept till 8:30"  memorable because Nicole was only 7 months.  It was also the day Nicole said her first word "baby".  Not mama or daddy.  I guess it is the word she heard most often.  I also had a Tupperware party that evening - strange for that time of year but, you know you can never have enough Tupperware. It also shows which of my friends called to cancel and who showed up.  Haha.  I guess you can have enough Tupperware.

1985 - The U.S. House of Representatives joined the U.S. Senate by giving final congressional approval to the Gramm-Rudman deficit-reduction law. 

1985 - General Electric Company agreed to buy RCA Corporation for $6.3 billion. Also included in the deal was NBC Radio and Television.  \I can honestly say I'm not knowledgable on either of these things or the ramifications.  

Victoria Falls Zimbabwe
Photo of Great Zimbabwe
The Ruins are found 30 km South-east of Masvingo town in Zimbabwe. 
The spectacular giant walls have withstood degradation for centuries and centuries, hence amazing. The walls and the museums at this site show and resemble an ancient City of the Shona people; the morphology, tools used,political, societal & cultural values of the inhabitants of this Ancient City. It is also an inspiration of the country's name, Zimbabwe which means houses made of stones. 
There are awesome souvenirs at the site, visitors can meet universal guests who flock to view this worthwhile World Heritage Site. Other activities include game driving at the nearby Kyle Recreational Park, boat cruising in Lake Kyle, visiting the Shona village to see Shona African Traditional Dancers in action, enjoying sleep in thatched rounder-vales and cool campsites onsite. It is a very good place to visit in the world.  Sounds interesting, not sure about sleeping in thatches whatevers but......

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!