Thursday, December 1, 2016

December 1, 2016 Thursday #Plyometric?#theWord#laughterthebestmedicine#assembly#fallshotel!

Get Fit
Best Plyometric Exercises To Boost Your Endurance & Burn Fat #workout #fitness  This looks interesting, if you think you can!

Get Faith
John 1:1-14  "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Another name for our Triune God - the Word.  Not who but what, the word, the light.  "The word was made flesh and made his dwelling among us."  Come Lord Jesus. He is the truth and the light.  No matter how many or what name we give him we know him and want everyone to know Him.

On this day
2014 - After a while you have to get a sense of humor.  Poor Mom went to get in the car, I went back into the house to get something and when I came back she had landed on the floor.  I got a chair and we got her up and sitting in the chair.  I turned to close the door to the house and when I turned back she fell again.  We, neither of us had the strength to get her up - and we were laughing, which as you know doesn't help.  I called 911 - when I got back she had crawled to behind the car.  When the EMS guys came she was sitting up, still laughing and called to them "I have fallen and I can't get up." They also started laughing, but they got her up took her into the house and checked her out.  She was fine but we missed her doctor appointment.  Love the memory.  lol  Always look at the bright side, I learned that from my Mom.

1913 - Ford Motor Co. began using a new movable assembly line that ushered in the era of mass production. It replaced jobs at the time but created a much larger work force in the long run.  What foresight Henry Ford had!

Victoria Falls Zimbabwe
1 Mallet Drive
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe  

Check this place out!!!  Let's stay here!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Katie M!!

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