Thursday, December 22, 2016

December 22, 2016 Thursday#enjoy!#beaChristian#share#Peace#change!

Get Fit
Here comes the holidays and all the calories they offer.  I know I'm trying to consider fresh foods rather than a lot of high calorie foods for my hostessing.  It just seems like the best foods are fried and heavily sauces.  Well go ahead!  We can lose it later, right?

Get Faith
1 Peter 3:8-16  "vs 15 "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."  In reading this you have to make your joy and hope apparent so that they ask.  Your life IS your message. Be a Christian!

On this day
2013  It was a Sunday, before Christmas.  I like when the holiday falls in the middle of the week it gives you extra days to celebrate, like this year.  I had friends Monna, LLoyd, their son and one of Nicole's best friend Jameson and his wife Liz and their four kids - Lucas, Savannah, Aubry and Abel over for dinner and celebrating.  We will still have to find time to share with them - maybe New Year's weekend if Nicole is home a day.   As families expand and move it is harder to make those times happen.  How are your plans coming?  Missing some people this year?  I am. sniff.

1864 - During the American Civil War, Union Gen. William T. Sherman sent a message to U.S. President Lincoln from Georgia. The message read, "I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the city of Savannah." This caught my eye for a couple reasons - first I'm not sure it is a good message of Christianity and of course the name Savannah.  Although the war was for a good reason, let us pray for peace.

Victoria Falls Zimbabwe  People and Society, Social Issues and Social Services
Zimbabwe's white population still lives very much aloof from the African majority, and there is relatively little social mixing. The government has promised since independence to redistribute white farmland to landless African peasants but has yet to do so. The issue of land reform therefore is a source of tension between the races. Zimbabwe's biggest social problems are youth unemployment and the spread of AIDS, which became an epidemic in the 1990s. In 1999 it was estimated that 1.5 million people in Zimbabwe, or 25 percent of people over the age of 15, were infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS. The growing number of people who contract AIDS causes increased costs to medical and social services as well as to education and training programs. In response to the epidemic, the government launched a campaign to educate people about the causes of AIDS and to encourage them to take steps to prevent its spread. Fees are charged for health care, which absorbs 5 percent of government expenditure. A national social security program, including pensions, was introduced in 1994.  Being a primarily Christian nation this is hard to comprehend.  Your life is your message.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Chris and Ron!

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