Saturday, December 10, 2016

December 10, 2016 Saturday #Now!#beafriend#parenthood#DonnaT#Tutu#hippos&elephants!

Get Fit
I did some arm,leg and ab workouts and weights with some.  I should have gone on to the aerobics but life happened.  I know some people that have a workout room.  I am jealous.  If I had one to watch tv and ride row and lift - well that is what I do now, except I have no equipment but weights and tension straps.  The point is USE what you have and keep busy! Don't wait for the right opportunity or getting that $10,000 gym workout center for your basement.  The right opportunity is now!

Get Faith
Psalm 27:5-10  This is advice to take advice from a friend.  We have all been in that situation of telling a friend (or not) when they need to know something.  I told a friend once of something that I thought was ruining their life.  Our friendship took a step back and stayed cool for quite a while.  A long the way that friend corrected the problem they had and it was the best thing in the world.  That ended well but, it doesn't always.  vs 5 "Better is open rebuke than hidden love."  If you care about someone it might cost your friendship for them to realize healing, but still worth while I think.

For Lindsey "Parenthood, that state of being better chaperoned than you were before marriage."
"There is a right time for everything: A time to laugh..."  Ecclesiastes 3:1,4

On this day
1984  I was working at the picture frame company and very often took framing in for my friends.  On this day Donna T brought over a poster she wanted framed, maybe a Christmas present.  It is relevant today because we were friends for many years and her life changed, we kept in touch but our paths had gone separate ways.  A couple years ago I went to her funeral, she was a little younger than I am. I am glad for the little memories of something I could do for a friend.  Thinking of someone?  Don't wait!

1984 - South African Bishop Desmond Tutu received the Nobel Peace Prize. How very appropriate!

Victoria Falls Zimbabwe
Travel downstream to best explore the river's lush waterways in the Mana Pools National Park - watch out for crocodile and one of Africa's largest hippo populations as you canoe along the channels. It's a wildlife bonanza with buffalo lining the river banks and elephant casually wading right in front of your canoe.
You'll find thousands of these gentle giants across Zimbabwe but especially in Hwange National Park, famous for its massive herds of elephant. With a stunning landscape of Kalahari desert sand, sparse woodland, grassland and granite outcrops, Hwange is home to over 100 mammal species, some of the highest mammal diversity for any national park in the world.
A pod of hippos - Photo by African Bush CampsElephant sighting on a Mana Pools National Park Safari - Photo by Africna Bush Camps

This looks amazing!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Nick and Kali!

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