Wednesday, December 21, 2016

December 21, 2016 Wednesday #nuts!#Moses#ThanksMary#noKmart#Zimbabalooba!

Get Fit
Ballet - I tried out for the Nutcracker, but only got the part of the nut.  JK

Get Faith
Exodus 1:22-2:10  The birth of a different baby boy, Moses.  His mother also saw something special in her child and arranged for him to be raised by the Egyptian princess because as a Hebrew boy he would be killed by Pharaoh.  Sound familiar?  He was also a savior to the Hebrews when he led them from slavery to the promised land.  Well not quickly, but eventually.  Two births with mothers sacrificing their babies, knowing their fate.  Thank God for mothers that listen to God and give their children to the faith.  We are blessed by Mary's heroic life and her sacrifice for our Savior.  Thank God for Mary.

On this day
2011 This is a rough time of year for a lot of people.  This year my brother had a heart attack and was in the hospital.  My friend Pam called and said her father was in the hospital.  It is always bad when you get this news, but at Christmas it seems worse.  I feel like we are so busy, so in contact with many people and the germs, we neglect caring for those around us and specifically ourselves.  I'm pretty sure this is not what Christmas is supposed to be.  Do you think we can change?  Are you one of those people that take the holidays in stride?  Is it just a woman thing?  oops, sorry gotta go to the doctor.

1620 - The "Mayflower", and its passengers, pilgrims from England, landed at Plymouth Rock, MA. Can you imagine this?  Not even a Kmart to shop at!  

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe shopping

Victoria Falls  This looks like a great place to shop today!!  says they have funky clothes!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Christy R!

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