Tuesday, December 27, 2016

December 27, 2016 Tuesday #daily#Sharethestory#Atlasshrugged#wine#samesame

Get Fit
Go to daily exercise on your computer and see what programs come up that look good to you.  There are a million things, find one that suits your needs.  Don't get bored, or maybe your routine works for you!

Get Faith
2 Peter 1:12-21  This was Peter's message to the other disciples and us as well.  Repeat these stories and memories of Christ to others - so that you remember them and they hear them.  Repeat them often.  It makes more sense to me the more often I read the stories.  I Love to Share the Story.

On this day  (reprint from last year)

1978 - My friend Tatjiana, Pete's mom, gave me a book to read.  It is a long read.  It taught me that the true spirit of man is his honesty and integrity to himself and others.  It taught me that you can't make someone something they are not.  It taught me that people don't benefit from having more given to them and done for them.  It taught me that when you cut back on expectations you will always get less.  The book is Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.  It is my all time favorite book well, beside the Bible.
I reprinted this because last night I had dinner with two friends that are extreme liberals and this is considered an anti-liberal book.  I don't think it is.  Tim and I discussed this book.

 1703 - The Methuen Treaty was signed between Portugal and England, giving preference to the import of Portuguese wines into England. Wow! over France?


People and Society, Social Issues and Social Services

Zimbabwe's white population still lives very much aloof from the African majority, and there is relatively little social mixing. The government has promised since independence to redistribute white farmland to landless African peasants but has yet to do so. The issue of land reform therefore is a source of tension between the races. Zimbabwe's biggest social problems are youth unemployment and the spread of AIDS, which became an epidemic in the 1990s. In 1999 it was estimated that 1.5 million people in Zimbabwe, or 25 percent of people over the age of 15, were infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS. The growing number of people who contract AIDS causes increased costs to medical and social services as well as to education and training programs. In response to the epidemic, the government launched a campaign to educate people about the causes of AIDS and to encourage them to take steps to prevent its spread. Fees are charged for health care, which absorbs 5 percent of government expenditure. A national social security program, including pensions, was introduced in 1994.  Different country same problems.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Alison!

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