Wednesday, December 14, 2016

December 14, 2016 Wednesday #eatfresh#Share#shop#Popereleased#Mapopo!

Get Fit
Richard and I and the resistance band.  Don't forget to eat fresh!  Today I will be baking cookies, as many of us will.  It is hard to not eat the holiday treats so when you do go out to eat or make dinner select the protein and fresh vegetables instead of fried food and sauce covered entrees.  Just till the holidays are over to leave a little room for goodies.  Just sayin.

Get Faith
1 John 1 The Incarnation of the Word of Life  Jesus (being one with the father) has always been, since the beginning.  He came to this world as The Christ the man (still one with the father) to lead us in our lives and die for our sins to save us.  The disciples proclaim this message in the Gospels and we too are disciples that share the Gospel so that you can be with us in our belief.  The son returned to the father who he is still one with.  Vs 4 "We write this to make our joy complete."  Share the Gospel!

On this day
2000 Quote from journal, a typical pre Christmas day - "Cleaned, called Mom, Nicole to school, Mom and I - post office, Comcast, Edison, Sears to pick up photos, shopped,  Benders (chiropractor), Pick up framing, Pet Supplies and home - Pick up Nicole from Daisys."  Sound like your day?  Do not fret the short cold days of January (for us in Michigan) are coming and you can get some rest.  Maybe.

2000 - It was announced that American businessman Edmond Pope would be released from a Russian prison for humanitarian reasons. Pope had been sentenced to 20 years in prison after his conviction on espionage charges. Nice was this a Christmas gesture? 

Victoria Falls Zimbabwe cuisine
Mapopo (Papaya) Candy


  • 1 papaya (approximately 1 pound)
  • 2 cups sugar
  • Lemon peel, grated
  • ½ teaspoon mint, dried or fresh


  1. Peel the papaya and wash well. Slice into little strips.
  2. Place the papaya, mint, grated lemon and sugar over low heat until the sugar dissolves.
  3. Cook for 10 minutes, then set aside for half an hour.
  4. Reheat over medium heat until the mixture crystallizes.
  5. Remove from heat and, using a spoon and fork, mold into ball or stick shapes.

Read more:  something for the holidays!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Michelle, Daniel and Melanie!

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