Sunday, December 18, 2016

December 18, 2016 Sunday #Jesuswho?#changes#deadtrees#rulings

Get Faith
Matthew 16:13-20  Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah.  "Who do you say that I am?"  That is the question you need to answer.  Who do YOU say that Jesus is.  If you don't believe as Peter did then you have more questions.  Why?  should come to mind for me.  Jesus didn't question those that said he was a prophet or John the Baptist, but to Peter he said "Blessed are you, "

On  this day
2006  Many things stayed the same, the cookie walk at church, caroling with the youth group and my boss was always crabby this time of year.  On the down side I thought it was because he had to spend money on his family and employees.  The older he got the stingier he got.  I also considered it was a reminder that because he spent so little "time" with his family it appeared the only time he saw them was when it cost him money.   The things that have changed are my neighbors, quite a few have moved away. There are great things that have changed as well.  Keep your mind on the good changes in your life this Christmas!

1796 - The "Monitor," of Baltimore, MD, was published as the first Sunday newspaper. I wonder if it was full of holiday advertising?

Zimbabwe politics

Political conditions[edit]

Since the defeat of the constitutional referendum in 2000, politics in Zimbabwe has been marked by a move from the norms of democratic governance, such as democratic elections, the independence of the judiciary, the rule of law, freedom from racial discrimination, the existence of independent media, civil society and academia. Recent years have seen widespread violations of human rights.
Elections have been marked by political violence and intimidation, along with the politicisation of the judiciary, militarypolice force and public services.[3] Statements by the President and government politicians have referred to a state of war, or Chimurenga, against the opposition political parties, in particular the Movement for Democratic Change – Tsvangirai (MDC-T). Newspapers not aligned with the government have been closed down, members of the judiciary have been threatened and/or arrested. Repressive laws aimed at preventing freedoms of speech, assembly and association have been implemented and subjectively enforced. Members of the opposition are routinely arrested and harassed, with some subjected to torture or sentenced to jail. The legal system has come under increasing threat. The MDC has repeatedly attempted to use the legal system to challenge the ruling ZANU-PF, but the rulings, often in favour of the MDC, have not been taken into account by the police.[citation needed]  I wonder if we will get to this.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Dan and Dean!

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