Monday, December 12, 2016

December 12, 2016 Monday #workoutshovel#chooseGod#Santapics#musiclessons#Hike!

Get Fit
Worked out the legs, back and arms and then went out to get rid of 12" of snow in the driveway.  The snowblower is a blessing but it didn't like the heavy snow either.  And then there is the porch and other areas you have to do by hand or back or legs if you do it right!

Get Faith
Matthew 6:24  "No one can serve two masters.  Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.  You cannot serve both God and money." This is not anything anyone wants to talk about at this time of year especially - money being what we are so concerned about to purchase gifts and celebrate the holidays.  I have an arrangement with God - I asked Him to keep me close so he keeps me poor.  Heaven only knows what I would be if I had a lot of money.  I think back to those people in the bible that celebrated life, gave good things to their children and shared lavishly with their loved ones.  And I have read a lot of biblicals (?) that were generous to the poor and needy.  We do all these things at Christmas - so enjoy, I say, God wants you to be happy, just remember where YOU got it from.  Thank God!

On this day
1986  Such sweet memories of when the kids were little - Nicole a year and a half and Aaron would have been almost 9.  My mother in law and I took the kids to Macomb Mall to see Santa and do a little shopping.  We usually went to Lakeside but there was a Santa at Macomb that we usually took pictures with.  Make sure you take lots of pictures at the holidays, you will appreciate it later,  Loved Julie's picture of Emmit today!  Facebook those pictures to me!

1792 - In Vienna, 22-year-old Ludwig van Beethoven received one of his first lessons in music composition from Franz Joseph Haydn. Here is a great Christmas present for a child you know.

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Matobo National Park has always been a must Visit, it houses the very old gain bins believed to have been used by the bushman and the kalanga tribe, it houses the rock art painting, patterns of granite rocks and boulders, the mother and child rock, the weathering patterns have curved the rocks so beautiful that you might think it's man made stone work.The lodges in and around the park offer affordable rates. So natural is Matobo National Park.
Photo of Matobo National Park

Let's go hiking, this looks really interesting - go to Matobo National Park and see the many pics.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Olivia!  

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