Saturday, December 17, 2016

December 17, 2016 Saturday #armsandabs#saved#caroling#sports#music!

Get Fit
Arms and abs today, but I have limitations.  My wrists are not good for too much weight and my neck gets mad after a certain amount of sit ups.  Do what you can!  But keep doing!

Get Faith
Romans 3:21-26  Righteousness Through Faith.  Since the beginning with the Israelites God required sacrifices of doves, cattle, etc and lambs.    When God sent His son to us and made the final sacrifice of Jesus the lamb for OUR sins we became forgiven.  You just have to believe in Christ, his teachings, the kind things He did to be an example to us.  You must believe that he was sacrificed, died on the cross and was buried with the dead.  You need to remember that he was raised back to life on the third day by OUR God so that we too can be saved and raised back to life in God's kingdom.  The Gospel.  Good news!

On this day
2000 - One of my favorite memories of all the years I was involved with the youth group at church was Christmas caroling.  On some occasions we went to seniors homes and they would provide cookies and hot chocolate, candy and whatever else they could offer to lure us into a longer stay.  Our farewell song was always "We wish you a Merry Christmas."  Go caroling to someone that could use a lift this year - the rehabs and senior living facilities are usually open to this!

2000 - Terrell Owens (San Francisco 49ers) caught an NFL-record 20 passes for 283 yards and a touchdown against the Chicago Bears. The previous record was held by Tom Fears (Los Angeles Rams) with 18 catches on December 3, 1950, against the Green Bay Packers. Owens also broke Jerry Rice's franchise record of 16 receptions set in 1994 against the Los Angeles Rams. Here you go sport fans or Jeopardy fans!

Victoria Falls Zimbabwe music


The history of Zimbabwe’s music is an epic story that surely deserves mention in our country’s history books. Over the years, despite providing entertainment, music has been playing a critical role in shaping society...  This looks especially interesting!  Go to Zimbabwe music and listen to some tunes!  Great!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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