Wednesday, December 7, 2016

December 7, 2016 Wednesday #tryit!#PeaceintheSpirit#family#PearlHarbor#DrLivingstone?

Get Fit
I am getting better at planking - I can now hold for a minute 2 times.  So many little things you can do to feel better.  Just try some sit ups and a plank first thing in the morning and see how much that helps after a week.

Get Faith
Ephesians 4:1-6  vs 3 "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." This being the heart of "spirituality" that people refer to.  The Spirit that lives with us, that part of our Triune God who stays here, with and in us, helping us to work toward peace.  He can give us the unity we need to be one people in the interest of gaining peace.  Pray to the Spirit today.

On this day
1981  I was working for the court as a volunteer probation officer.  It was a one on one program where we saw one person as often as we could.  I was seeing Tom quite often, a teenager maybe 16 whose biggest problem was lack of family companionship.  His dad had remarried and left Tom with a very elderly grandmother who had health issues.  He was a great kid and despite the fact that I was only 34 he asked me to adopt him and be his mother.  Needless to say I spent as much time with him as I could so on this day when I got home from work and my refrigerator had quit I had to cancel with him.  Sometimes we have to disappoint someone that we don't want to.

1941 - Pearl Harbor, located on the Hawaiian island of Oahu was attacked by nearly 200 Japanese warplanes. The attack resulted in the U.S. entering into World War II. This was a day that ended peace for quite a while and resulted in horrible casualties for many years.  Pray for peace.

Victoria Falls Zimbabwe
Scottish explorer David Livingstone was famous for many things. Hailed as one of the most enigmatic explorers of all time, he also had an impressive moustache, and was the first European ever to lay eyes on Victoria Falls. He was led to the waterfall in 1855, by the Makalolo tribe in a dug-out canoe, during his travels from Luanda to Sesheke. Although Livingstone named the Falls after his queen, Victoria, it’s known locally as Mosi-oa-Tunya – the Smoke that Thunders. 
The Smoke that Thunders
Anglo traders began to amass by the Falls after Livingstone’s reports reached their ears, which led to a makeshift trading settlement popping up on the Zambian riverbank, named Old Drift – the first Victoria Falls town. Increasing numbers of visitors from the Transvaal and South Africa arrived, travelling by horseback or ox-wagon. Malaria began to ravage the settlement, forcing its relocation to the site where Zambia’s town of Livingstone now resides. 
Dr Livingstone I presume...
Explorers lead hard lives if history is to be believed. Livingstone’s 14 years that followed his Victoria Falls ‘discovery’ included a nasty altercation with a lion that limited his use of one arm. The outside world got concerned about the poor chap when they didn’t hear from him for four years, so the New York Herald sent Henry Stanley off to look for him. After a long search, Stanley found Livingstone on 10 November 1871 in a small African village, greeting him with the immortal words, “Dr Livingstone I presume”. The two bonded over their brilliant facial bristles (and a few other common interests) and became fast friends until Stanley headed back to Britain in 1872, having failed to convince Livingstone to join him.  
After travelling some 50 000km through Africa, and opening up the previously unknown continent to the world, the legendary Livingstone died from malaria and dysentery on 1 May 1873, at age 60. His loyal attendants buried his heart under a tree in Africa (the site now known as the Livingstone Memorial), while the rest of his body was ultimately flown back to Britain.  Yep!  A Scot!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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