Sunday, December 4, 2016

December 4, 2016 Sunday #therealgem#Laketrotters#Britainnews#thefalls!

Get Faith
Psalm 119 vs 162  "I rejoice in your promise like one who finds great spoil"  The world is full of riches of every sort.  Gold, diamonds, jade and pearls, things God placed here for us to find.  We have a tendency to revere these items higher than He who put them here for us.  The real gem is our Savior Jesus the Christ.  The gift is salvation.  Come Lord Jesus.

On this day
1977  I had a much different agenda back in these days.  Pete and I went to his parents, Tatjiana and Erich's for breakfast and then out to friends for a Laketrotters boat club meeting.  They were a great bunch of people that Pete (who didn't like belonging to anything)  joined.  I wonder if anyone who reads this can fill me in on who is left and how they are?  It was a Sunday but I wasn't attending church those days.  tsk.

1791 - Britain's Observer newspaper was first published. I wonder if there were reports in it about the errant child (United States) in there, bet there was!

Victoria Falls Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls is a town in the province of Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe. It lies on the southern bank of the Zambezi River at the western end of the Victoria Falls themselves. It is connected by road and railway to Hwange (109 km away) and Bulawayo (440 km away), both to the south-east.
According to the 2012 Population Census, the town had a population of 33,060. Victoria Falls Airport is located 18 km south of the town and has international services to Johannesburg and Namibia.
The settlement began in 1901 when the possibility of using the waterfall for hydro-electric power was explored, and expanded when the railway from Bulawayo reached the town shortly before the Victoria Falls Bridge was opened in April 1905, connecting Zimbabwe to what is now Zambia. It became the principal tourism centre for the Falls, experiencing economic booms from the 1930s to the 1960s and in the 1980s and early 1990s.
Very beautiful here!  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Tamara!!

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